The Lumpy’s Scramble for Autism raises funds for families in need
By D. Arment
April is Autism Awareness month, and among the walks for autism and other fundraisers in the valley is one of the most anticipated and successful events of the year: The Lumpy’s Scramble for Autism, presented by Jensen Wealth Advisors and hosted by TaylorMade and Adidas Golf.
The ninth annual golf tournament takes place on Friday, April 20, at PGA West. Randy Corti, owner of Lumpy’s Golf, started this event because, for him, autism hits close to home. Actually, it is at home: Corti’s 16-year-old son has the disorder. Randy knows firsthand what life is like raising an autistic child, and knows how much support families need to provide their children with the necessary therapies and services. Speech and occupational therapies can be very expensive, and many families cannot afford them without help.
Proceeds from the Scramble fund the Lumpy’s Foundation, which, in turn, donates money to the Coachella Valley Autism Society and provides discounted speech and occupational therapies for autistic children here in the Coachella Valley.
Autism is a developmental disability that typically appears within the first three years of life. The cause is unknown. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, autism affects one in 88 individuals here in the U.S. The disorder is more prevalent in boys, affecting one in 54. Autism can affect speech development, socialization, learning abilities, motor skills and behavior. It is considered a spectrum disorder, meaning that children affected can display some or all of the symptoms in varying degrees of severity. Early intervention and speech and occupational therapies, as well as other kinds of support, have proven essential in helping these children learn and function in society.
This year, the Lumpy’s Scramble will be on three different courses at PGA West: Norman Course, Stadium Course and Nicholas Resort Course. According to Randy Corti, the need to expand is due to the ever-growing popularity of the event.
“There are great folks here in the desert who are willing and eager to support this cause.” Randy said. “I appreciate the great customers, businesses and individuals. The community has the attitude to pitch in and help here, because they realize that families need support to keep them on track.”
This year’s tournament schedule is as follows:
• 11:30 a.m.: Player check-in.
• 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.: Lunch provided by Buffalo Wild Wings.
• 1 p.m.: Scramble start.
On the course, food will be available from Burgers and Beer, City Wok and others.
After golf, players are invited to stay and enjoy dinner provided by Murph’s Gaslight, drinks from PGA West’s no-host bar, and live music from the desert’s own John Stanley King Band, all at the PGA West Private Clubhouse. Players can sign up for silent-auction prizes and purchase raffle tickets to win some of the more than $40,000 in merchandise. Prizes for the longest drive, straightest drive, and closest-to-the-pin on every par 3 are just some of the gifts up for grabs. Prizes include a golf cart from Golf Carts of the Desert, a big-screen TV, a $500 Costco gift card and much more.
If you would like to sign up to participate in the Ninth Annual Lumpy’s Scramble for Autism, go to lumpys.com for your entry form, or swing by Lumpy’s and fill one out in-store. Individuals and teams of four can purchase entry into the tournament.
The mission statement of the Lumpy’s Foundation is “to aid local families dealing with the challenges of autism.” One of the things this charity makes affordable is private speech therapy; it can cost $110 an hour, but, due to the Lumpy’s Foundation, is only $20 a session. Some 75 children a year are able to benefit from discounted speech therapy, and 50 a year for occupational therapy, thanks to Randy Corti and the Lumpy’s Foundation. The money raised for the Coachella Valley Autism Society helps provide more free and discounted services and support for families and children living with an autism spectrum disorder.
It’s not too late to sign up for the Ninth Annual Lumpy’s Scramble for Autism or donate to the Lumpy’s Foundation. For more information, go to lumpys.com.
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