By Lisa Morgan

One of the best parts, in my humble opinion, of our annual Stagecoach Music Festival, is the close up
access to the lesser known acts playing in the smaller venues surrounding the main stage. I can think
of few bands better suited for this setting than Sons and Brothers, a family legacy of Americana, gospel,
country western, swing and bluegrass infused music that is pure magic. This band has a pure vocal blend
that can only be achieved by siblings. The brothers, Mike, Aaron and Joe Wolking have been singing
since they could walk and rub two notes together. Founded by their father Frank and their Uncle Fred
(known within their fan base as everybody’s favorite uncle) Sons and Brothers have been bringing their
music and family camaraderie to stages and festivals since 1999.

When Aaron told me of how long they’d been playing together, I jokingly asked, “Without killing each
other?” He laughed and replied, “There have been some close calls and exchanges along the way but
that’s one of the things that are special about our band. Keeping a band together for 14 plus years
for any band is really hard to do. We came to the conclusion a long time ago that it would be stupid to
break up as a band because we’d still be stuck with each other as a family, so we may as well figure it
out and just keep moving. It’s been really great.”

The bands dynamic took a turn four years ago when Frank Wolking, father and brother, was diagnosed
with cancer and given 6-8 weeks to live. Frank never missed a show for almost two years when he
finally succumbed to the disease. “We were really so blessed to spend so much time with him before
he passed and I know he’s still with us in spirit now. We’re still blessed to be able to play together. My
brothers are my best friends.”


This band is based in a small mountain town in Colorado where, as Aaron states, “the cow to human
ratio tips (no pun intended) strongly in the cows’ favor.” They are not only a treasure trove of American
roots music, but a wonderful example of a powerful family bond. The traditional instruments of banjo,
mandolin, and acoustic guitar, combined with dynamic fiddle and Uncle Fred’s tasty electric guitar leads,
is sure to please everyone in attendance. “The fun we have together should hardly be legal,” laughs
Aaron. “We have way too much fun getting to and from the gig, not to mention while we’re on stage.
We have developed a pretty great reputation for building a good report with our audiences. I believe
that’s because we play the music that we love, with the people that we love, and it’s totally sincere. I
guess it just can’t be helped that our audiences become part of that.”

Sons and Brothers is a definite “must see” as part of the Stagecoach experience, and are scheduled
to play Saturday, April 27th. You can follow the band and check out their music on FB under Sons and
Brothers Band or visit their website at For more information on the festival go to