By Aimee Mosco

Imagine it is winter and you are sitting in a room with an open door. While you may be able to wrap a blanket around yourself or put on a coat, you are invariably affected by the cold air coming into your space. It would be much easier for you to warm yourself if that door was closed.

The energies that affect your level of comfort and success as you navigate the material world are not always obvious or as easy to identify as a cold draft coming through an open doorway. Most times they are profoundly disruptive forces that serve to catalyze chaos in your life though. You hold the power to shut these forces down with ease when you exercise a heightened level of awareness and apply some simple practices.

Put yourself back in the room with the draft using your inner vision. Imagine that you get up, walk to the door, and close it with authority. Once the door is closed, the cold air is blocked from entry and the space around you begins to warm up. All that was required of you was a modicum of awareness to identify the entry point of the cold air, and then take simple action to close the entry point down.


When you are dealing with offending energies that sabotage your best efforts to get ahead in different areas of your life, it can be challenging to identify the entry points that allow these cold draft energies in. Unless you have developed your intuitive abilities, you may struggle as you try to figure out how these energies are gaining entry to affect you. If you are unable to find the breach, let your feelings guide you to the point of entry in your energy field.

Whenever you feel even slightly triggered emotionally, know that some energy which does not honor your divine nature has gained access to your energy field. You do not need to understand the intricacies of the networks and nodes that comprise your energy field to close doorways that allow unsavory energies to circulate through you. Your acknowledgement of the breach and your intent to shut it down is often times enough to do so if you have learned what it is your soul has expected you to learn from the discomfort.

If you still have learning to do and expressing your intent to close that old door has not worked to your satisfaction, shift your focus. Let your inner spirit, your soul, know that you are truly ready to close that door. Let your soul know that you are willing to integrate with grace and ease, the learning that you have been missing, to move forward and close that old door.

In my pursuit to help you open new doors, I invite you to join my Facebook group SACRED Light Code Keys. Go to and bring your light to this supportive community.

Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her first book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee serves as Vice Chair to the World Game Changers Board of Directors, a charitable CIC based in the UK. Find Aimee at