One of the fastest growing business services in the U.S. is background, drug and aptitude/integrity screening. CV Background Screening & Drug Testing has just opened its doors, providing full 24/7 Service to its clients in the Coachella Valley.
Employee drug abuse and pilferage are at an all-time high. As the job market tightens and the minimum wage increases, identifying good potential employees has never been more important. The Surgeon General published a report concluding 1 in 7 people in the U.S. will experience a drug abuse problem during their lifetime. It is the first time in history the U.S. Surgeon General has published a report dedicated to substance abuse. The Issue is now officially referred to as a national epidemic.
In addition to Domestic Background Screenings, the company also offers Multinational Employment, Degree and Licensing Screening in over 220 countries. As part of a national organization, CV Background Screening & Drug Testing has over 4000 nationwide lab locations for sample testing, including certified DOT and DNA results. The clients, if they prefer, can have CV’s fully certified personnel come to their facility to gather samples, but CV can also provide their clients with over 300 different types of instant self-testing products.
CV personnel and online specialists assure clients are always compliant and safe from any application-related liability. There is live on-call phone support on any issue and any type of question 24/7. You can contact CV Background Screening & Drug Testing at (760) 698-9686, gafox@cvbsdt.com, or at CVbsdt.com.