By Eleni Austin

Gird your loins kids, this Saturday, April 29th, Dali’s Llama is headlining a show at the Hood to celebrate the release of their Blossom EP. Joining them will be a few Desert Rock favorites; The Hellions, Blasting Echo and Sleazy Cortez.

Of course, Dali’s Llama is the brain child of Zach Huskey.  Along with Mario Lalli, Herb Lineau and Sean Wheeler, Zach Huskey pretty much invented the underground Desert sound that was later popularized by acolytes like Kyuss, Queens Of The Stone Age and Fu Manchu.

These were the guys that plugged into generators in the middle of the desert and created the enduring mythos celebrated in Joerg Steineck’s stunning documentary, “Lo-Sound Desert.”  Zach, along with his wife Erica formed Dali’s Llama nearly a quarter of a century ago.  The band also features drummer Craig Brown, guitarist Joe Wangler and Joe Dillon on guitar and keys.


Embracing the D.I.Y.  ideology, Dali’s Llama has released 11 albums over the years through their own record label. From the Power-Punk of their 1993 debut, Pre-Post Now, to crustaceous Chordata in 2006,  the Garage Rock of Howl Do You Do in 2010 and the sand-blasted sludge of Dying In The Sun in 2016, the band has happily followed Zach’s quixotic muse.

The centerpiece of the Blossom EP is “Longtime Woman.” Trippy and hypnotic, the track clocks in at over seven minutes. A sepulchral stomp, it offers up a combo-platter of Zach’s patented Cro-Magnon yowl, intertwined guitars, rumbling bass lines and a walloping backbeat.

As you countdown the days to the show, check out the video that accompanies “Longtime Woman.” It’s equal parts spooky and sweet.

CD Release Party with Dali’s Llama, the Hellions, Blasting Echo and Sleazy Cortez.  Saturday, April 29th, 2017 at 9pm The Hood, 74360 Highway 111, Palm Desert, CA.

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