By DeAnn Lubell

WRITERS: Rachel Druten, Joanne Hardy, and Carol Mann

The power of the written word from the mind of one writer can be quite powerful; however, when you add two more writers to the equation as one unit, it becomes atomic. Thus is the case of writers Rachel Druten, Joanne Hardy, and Carol Mann.  Together these seasoned award-winning authors recently formed All About Books speakers’ presentations.

“We wanted to promote our books and felt that triple name recognition and blending of ideas for promotion would be helpful to each other,” said Carol Mann.   “We began meeting weekly over a year ago to develop both our game plan and our program to take to clubs and organizations.  Our opening presentation was at the Desert Hot Springs Library on writing humor, the historical novel, and the short story.  It put us on the map.”


Each one of these talented ladies offers a different writing experience.  They are very diverse as writers and in their presentations.  Druten focuses on humor; Hardy on historical fiction; and Mann on short stories.  Their popular programs last 30 minutes with each giving a ten-minute talk.

Druten is the author of nine historical novels.  Her award-winning Hazel Flick series, Paradise Found and I’m Back has been optioned for a TV series.  She is the founder of Tools for Tomorrow, a nonprofit after school literacy enrichment program in elementary schools throughout the Coachella Valley.  She has been honored many times for her community service, leadership, and commitment in education.

Hardy’s love of history and genealogy shines through in her thrilling historical novels: The Girl in the Butternut Dress and Random Truths.  Her third novel, Abandoned, is scheduled to be released the spring of 2022.  Joanne stays true to historic facts and the people of the time, while creating believe characters to love and hate, cheer and boo, and laugh and cry over.  She belongs to several local and national organizations and has been a social writer for the Desert Sun.

It shows in her writings that Mann loves the written word.  Her award-winning short stories, poetry, and personal essays have appeared in literary journals and magazines including Six Hens, Bloodroot, Writer’s Digest, The Sun Runner, and RiverSedge.  Her books include the short story collection Creek Songs and All Ways A Woman.  She, too, is a member of several local and national organizations.

To find out more information as how to purchase the written creations of these amazing women or to book them as speakers please write inquiries to   Rachel Druten can be reached at and  Joanne Hardy can be reached at and    Carol Mann can be reached at and .