Many made 2024 resolutions for the new year, and gave thanks for all that we have. Hopefully you spent time with family, and not the “friends” you met in the holding tank on New Year’s Eve. During this time of thankfulness and parties, we see dramatic increases in Binge Drinking, DUI’s and Drunk Driving Accidents.
Thanksgiving is the start of the holiday drinking/celebration period. DUI related accidents and traffic stops, increase by 33% around Christmas and by 40+% over New Years Year’s Eve. During this time of the year people, who do not drink at other times, are more likely to “have a drink or two”, and then drive without realizing that their low tolerance has caused more impairment then they realized. The combination of all these factors has led to 1,000+ alcohol related national deaths, during this period.
Our beautiful Coachella Valley has more fatalities, per capita, than anywhere else in California. Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s 2-3 times as many people die in alcohol-related crashes and 25,000 will be injured in alcohol related accidents.
December is usually Impaired Driving Prevention Month. During an average year, 30 million Americans drive drunk, and 10 million drive impaired by illicit drugs. With MJ being legalized, these figures may continue to rise.
DUI offenders, monitored with SCRAM bracelets, increase on Thanksgiving, more so on Christmas eve, and much more on New Year’s. Men and Women are not equal, when you compare the same age, height and weight. Thirty minutes after a standard mixed drink, a man will be .02 and a woman will be .03. Thus, there is no equality with drinking either.
Many local lawyers were not initially aware that there was a private company with which to sign up for a SCRAM bracelet. SCRAM is an evidence based “alternative to jail” using a Continuance Alcohol Monitoring ankle bracelet. Those that completed the program, had a 91% completion rate with 109 days as an average.
A California DUI arrest, sets up 2 events. Initially, there is a DUI criminal court proceeding, where a case may be set for trial. However, there is also a DMV component that looks to suspend your right to drive.
After an arrest your license is taken, under the “stop and snatch” law. The officer will send your license to DMV to be destroyed. You receive a pink piece of paper, which is your temporary license. A driver has 10 caldenar days, not business days, to request a DMV hearing, or the license will be suspended 30 days after the arrest. Upon requesting a hearing you can ask for a STAY or freeze of the suspension until after the results of the hearing. However, I strongly suggest you let your attorney deal with this.
I look upon my job as protecting the Constitutional Rights of every American who drinks and drives and gets arrested for a DUI.
I do, however, “Change Hats” when I SUE Drunk Drivers for damages to my Injured or Deceased (Wrongful Death) clients.
Being Intexticated, is just as serious as being Intoxicated. “DON’T DRINK, DRIVE OR TEXT. CALLING A TAXI OR UBER, IS A LOT CHEAPER THAN CALLING ME AFTER YOUR PI/DUI.
Ideas for future columns? Contact Dale Gribow 760- 837- 7500 or dale@dalegribowlaw.com
Cut out this card!
Upon advice of my attorney, Dale Gribow, I exercise my right to remain silent until you contact him at (760) 837-7500 or dale@dalegribowlaw.com, for his Ok.
My attorney has advised me the VOLUNTARY FIELD SOBRIETY AND BREATH TESTS, at the scene, are OPTIONAL (unless one is on probation). Thus I ELECT not to take them.
I want to cooperate, and am happy to take a BLOOD TEST.
Dale Gribow, attorney at law, a well-respected “Boutique Concierge” Palm Desert firm, representing the Critically Injured and Criminally Accused (DUI) for 50 years, has received over “20 TOP LAWYER AWARDS”; “4 DALE GRIBOW DAYS”; “8 MAN OF THE YEAR AWARDS” (City of Palm Desert, City of Hope and California Senate…and awarded “MR. CHARITY.”