A special ground breaking ceremony was held on Thursday, February 9th for the City of Coachella’s first commercial cannabis cultivation facility. Del-Gro has rented all of its available tenant spaces and will soon be open for business on the property that was formerly Ajax Auto Wrecking.

Del-Gro’s leadership is excited about the future of their site and invited City Officials, Business Leaders, Community Stakeholders, and friends to Thursday’s groundbreaking.

“Opening the first cultivation operation in Coachella is an incredible opportunity for us and our partner cultivators,” said Ben Levine, founder and CEO of Del-Gro. “We forecast that our operation will ultimately bring in over $100 million in annual revenue for us and the independent growers we work with. But greater than that, we’re thrilled that the residents of Coachella have trusted us to be industry trailblazers in their city.”

Headquartered in Southern California, Del-Gro provides innovative grow facilities for boutique cannabis cultivators. In addition to a place to grow, Del-Gro helps cultivators develop their business by providing access to experienced cultivation professionals to help with distribution, licensing, compliance and raising capital. Processing and extraction services are also available on site. On top of that, Del-Gro provides clients with direct access to premier seed-to-sale and manufacturing systems as well as on-site lab services. For more information please visit www.del-gro.com or email info@delgro.com.