by Sunny Simon

As treasurer of a non-profit organization I’ve been collecting donations for our scholarship fund. Each day while when the post carrier arrives I find donations from members mixed in with my bills and junk mail. Today as I slit an envelope I found a bonus. My friend, Melody, not only enclosed a generous contribution, she filled the envelope with a cute note, a funny cocktail napkin and lots of love.

It figures. Melody possesses an attitude of generosity beginning with her 1000-watt smile. She is one of those people who graces her actions with that extra special touch. No doubt she makes it her daily mission to add unexpected joyful moments to those she encounters. She works her magic making the ordinary, extraordinary.

We all have different kinds of people in our lives. When contrasting the Melody’s, who go the extra mile, to others who do just enough to get by, is there any doubt who we should emulate? If you want to be a member of the “extra-milers,” club, you can. It just takes a bit of creativity and an extra dose of caring.


Begin by observing role models like Melody. Consider how those who champion the art of going the extra mile sprinkle a little joy into your life. Once you’re pointed in the right direction it’s okay to start small. For example, if your flipping through your Facebook feed, forego tapping the mechanical “like” button and lavish a sincere compliment on a friend’s post.

Think about the stops you make during your day. While picking your son up at school, why not drop off a Starbucks card and sincere note of thanks to the teacher helping him master geometry. Going to the doctor? Entertain the staff with your five best jokes. After dealing with sick people all day, they need a laugh. Same goes for the dentist’s office.

Sometimes we neglect gifting those closest to us with special out-of-the-box kind deeds. Surprise your spouse with an unsolicited back massage, take your mom to a chick-flick movie or play catch with your dog until he gets exhausted and wants to quit.

This week challenge yourself to become a Melody. See how many times you can extend an action beyond the ordinary and make others feel significant and loved. Let’s turn that popular quote, “There are no traffic jams on the extra mile,” on it’s ear. Ready? I’ll meet you there. Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching and the author of the blog