By Dale Gribow
Should I Let My Grandkids Use Our Empty PS Home For Stagecoach?
I am asked What Could Go Wrong? They usually deal with their college age grandkids coming to Stagecoach. Should they let the grandkids use their home when they are not going to be home?
I am honored to be the sole attorney member appointed to CVAG’s Public Safety Committee and the Clinton Foundation’s Health Matters Initiative and both are discussing DUI’s and Social Host liability. At CVAG on April 14, 2014 we reviewed that initiative used by Redlands and presented it to the Indio City Council for adoption. It would place liability and damages on the owner of a home where underage drinkers are consuming alcohol and then leave and cause an accident or death.
The bottom line is that kids will be kids. The peer pressure is immense to PARTY. When you have a lot of kids in one place partying and drinking and probably getting high, it is inevitable that someone will be arrested for possession of drugs and some will be involved in an auto accident or be arrested for false ID. You know your kids and grandkids better than anyone and either way you should share the information below with them so they know What Could Happen.
What Should They Do in Case of an Auto Accident at Stagecoach?
Tell them not to talk to any without consulting with an attorney and to shut down their social media & not post anything about their accident. Adjusters now look at Facebook pages to see posts about tennis or golf you are playing with a smile or a trip you are taking AFTER the accident and after you have told your doctor that you hurt and cannot do anything without pain. A post bragging about how you were racing the car next to you cannot help your case.
They should gather the facts and prepare a summary with names, addresses, phones, emails of all parties and witnesses. They use their CELL PHONES to take picture of both cars, the scene, injuries to tape what parties and witnesses say.
Tell them to be careful what they say. They should not discuss the accident with anyone, except to provide info to officers at the scene. They should not discuss fault or causation with ANYONE….it is evidence that can come back to bite them in the fanny!
If injured tell them to go to the ER/ Urgent Care, and of course going by ambulance is better than their driving. The injury may be more serious than they realize. On a February accident case our client maintained he was ok and on April 24, 2014 he is having a surgery.
A good attorney will HELP A Client FIND a DOCTOR that will accept their case on a LIEN so they do not have to come out of pocket for medical treatment. We also help get their car repaired at a quality body shop and not use an insurance company’s shop.
Tell them NOT TO SIGN anything…it could be a release or authorization to get their medical records….and they should NOT talk to either insurance company without an ok from a lawyer who they should call WITHIN 24 hours.
Another common Stagecoach issue is underage drinking and using a false ID. The Indio police department brings in officers from other jurisdictions to help monitor the concerts. They check and arrest for phony ID’s. Though it is a somewhat less serious arrest than most it is a CRIME OF MORAL TURPITUDE. This means it will be difficult to get jobs for the summer and in the future…let alone get into universities for advanced degrees.
Last summer I had two 20 year old roomies from USC who were both arrested for possessing a phony CDL. They had not even used it yet. One had a job in aerospace for the summer and the other with a law firm. Both told their potential employers and both were not able to keep their summer jobs. The bottom line is that it is just not worth the risk.
Dale Gribow has been “Rated” TOP LAWYER by Palm Springs Life Magazine from 2011-2015 and has a Superb AVVO Legal Rating by his fellow attorneys. Dale Gribow has been Man of the Year 7 times including the City of Palm Desert and the City of Hope and Dale Gribow Day has been declared 4 times. Dale is also one of the founders of Shutdown Drunk Driving, formed upon the death of his client who was killed by a drunk driver while jogging in October 2013.
Gribow has been a legal commentator, analyst, expert, newspaper columnist and radio talk show host. He currently writes for the CV Weekly and the Desert Sun.
If you have any questions regarding this column or ideas for future columns please contact Dale Gribow Attorney at Law at his NEW number 760 837 7500 and or his new email: dale@dalegribowlaw.com