(Part 1 in a 2-part series)
I’m often asked how you maintain a long-term Keto lifestyle. There’s so much controversy and confusing information that says Keto isn’t sustainable. I’m going to share with you what’s kept me Keto and motivated (for over 3 l/2 years) and how you can do it too!
Let’s talk about Weight.
Weight loss is an important goal for most of us and Keto is the best way to lose weight and burn fat. There are many ways to lose weight, and lots of diet choices, and most of us have tried them all … but most diets set us up to fail. They aren’t sustainable for many reasons …but one of the most common faults with diets is you find yourself always hungry and it seems like a battle to stick to the plan…that’s just no way to live.
Another common reason is that once you reach your goal, you lose your motivation. Being thinner and buying new clothes just isn’t enough to keep most of us on track when temptations come across our radar…. or our plate! When you work so hard to lose weight and reach your goal you want to find a way to stay on track and not fall back into bad habits that are pure sabotage. How?
With Keto I’m determined to maintain it as a lifestyle and teach it to others… and it’s way beyond the weight loss (although I love having the same size clothes in my closet for many years now. that makes me happy, and I want that for you too.) It’s crucial to be motivated in ways that inspire and sustain you beyond weight. So, let’s talk about what a few of these could be.
Learn about Keto and the Science.
I found this very motivating… Keto brought me to my best health in my early 60’s and I wanted to stay there. I knew if I returned to my carb-filled diet I would suffer again. I look better than I have in a long time…I absolutely love the energy, the way I feel and knowing I’m in my best health ever.
So, learning more about why Keto works and the true benefits of maintaining a continual level of ketosis (or using ketones for fuel rather than glucose) is one of the places I started. I imprinted it into my long-term mindset around health and food and used it for motivation. I immersed myself in Keto and the science of it.
Did you know this about Keto? While in ketosis… besides losing weight you…
Have more energy.
Balance your hormones.
Improve and lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Lower glucose and insulin.
Reduce inflammation.
Increase brain function and ability to concentrate.
And, that’s just the tip of the iceberg! All from changing your diet… That was motivational for me as I remembered being exhausted and having none of that with my former carb-heavy diet.
Keto and Wellbeing.
I wish someone had told me that I had more power over my health than I realized and that I could improve it by simply changing my diet. It took a downward spiral for me with pre-diabetes, insulin resistance, gerd, plantar fasciitis, migraine headaches and debilitating fatigue before I took a serious look at my lifestyle. Within a few months of following a clean ketogenic diet my health markers vastly improved. I was no longer prediabetic and my A1C dropped from 5.9 to 5.3. And all my other health challenges were gone. Was this a miracle? It felt like it because it was the quickest reversal for my health that I’d ever seen without any medication. I never dreamed it could happen. However, the science behind Keto says it is possible!
Not only has it saved my life (along with the 40 pounds that are gone) but Keto is science based. I encourage you to educate yourself and to become a true believer of the Keto lifestyle. It will keep you motivated and on track when you are tempted, or if you do cheat (and you will because we are all human) you’ll find it easier to get back on and then stay on board the keto train long-term.
Find Keto food substitutes.
As part of my customization process I truly believe with all my heart that if you can find keto foods to sub out for the foods you crave and love you have a greater chance of being successful with keto as a lifestyle. This has been another motivator for me and big part of my keto journey to being successful.
I’ve shared that I’m a foodie to the core and that’s another reason to love Keto. You can eat a keto diet and still have amazing food. I work with people around food and changing their diet. I love to cook, dine out and socialize around food. I wish someone would have told me that changing the way you eat doesn’t mean you give up anything or end up feeling deprived. I still have an immense amount of joy that food provides in my life. Awesome memories are still made while traveling, dining out and bonding over food at the dinner table with friends and family. I have traveled, celebrated many special occasions, dined our regularly and haven’t looked back. I’ve found a way to live my Keto life Out Loud and be healthy by finding foods, and food substitutes that are amazing. You can do this too!
There is so much more to share with you about making keto a lifestyle and I’ll finish it up part 2 in my next article. This gives you “food for thought” until then. For now, doctors tend to agree that if your bloodwork is at appropriate levels and your weight is within a healthy range, there’s nothing wrong with doing the keto diet long-term. That’s positive progress as more research is done on the health benefits of Keto.
If you want to explore Keto, and how it might work in your life, please schedule a free 30-minute consult with me.
About Michelle Borthwick: Michelle is a Keto customization expert and coach. Keto weight loss results can be greatly improved with Coaching, Customization, Accountability, and a trusted partner to guide you every step of the way. Michelle offers private sessions, proven Keto diet hacks, goal setting, ongoing support and more. If you are interested in a Keto lifestyle designed to get you lasting results, book a 30-minute complimentary private coaching session online at KetoIsEasyCoach.com