Desert Music Scene Gets Support From Local Radio
By Esther Sanchez
Pretty much any Coachella Valley resident who hasn’t been living under a rock for the past couple of decades can tell you that our beloved desert empire has become a virtual Mecca to artists of all types. From the dusty, rock formations of Joshua Tree to the fertile fields of Thermal, musical acts from multiple genres have been emerging around every corner. These artists are proud of their desert roots and are starving for their chance to make their mark on the valley and beyond. The venues that are willing and equipped to feature local musicians are vastly limited considering the sheer volume of acts available to perform. That said, support from local media is extremely important. So, when I sat down for a chat with local radio personality Todd Killman, AKA, T.K. from 93.7 KCLB and he informed me of his vision for a platform for promotion of local music, I was definitely intrigued.
A So-Cal native, T.K. grew up in San Diego and began his career in radio at the age of 17. T.K.: “I have been fascinated with radio since I was 7 years old and I always loved music. At some point it dawned on me that you could get into radio broadcasting and love music and do both. I loved both equally but was having a difficult time making the connection between music and radio because in my experiences, it seemed like so many of the folks in radio didn’t particularly love the music so much as they were broadcasting in the DJs sort of corporate way of doing it.”
T.K. continues… “With all of the stations I have worked for in the past, whether commercial stations or not, we were always able to find a way to reach out to the community and include them in what we were doing, which is what we are striving for now at KCLB. There is something amazing about being able to support and nurture the local scene which is what community is all about and what local radio should and is supposed to be about. To be able to reach beyond the commercial aspect of radio and promote our neighbors should be what it’s all about.”
T.K. and the good folks at KCLB aren’t just spewing nonsense with their ideas of supporting local musicians. In fact they have already began booking shows at local venues such as The Hood Bar and Pizza in Palm Desert and are bringing local bands on the air for interviews and live performances, which they intend on making a regular affair.
T.K. “We are reaching out to everyone in the valley. This is what local radio is supposed to be all about and we at KCLB are so proud to be a part of trying to make our local scene as huge as it deserves to be.”
KCLB will be hosting local favorites Right On Right On with The After Lashes and Drop Mob this Sunday, Feb. 19th at The Hood Bar and Pizza, 21 and over, no cover.