It’s already time to strip down to our swimsuits and soak up the sun, wearing sunscreen of course, but no amount of SPF 30 can cover up the excess weight most of us struggle to lose. For argument’s sake I’m going to assume you’ve been eating healthy and participate in some form of exercise, or at least you’ve tried and had the best intentions.

Either way, fat is stubborn and you’re fed up with it. It’s taking up extra space and not even paying rent. It could even be costing you money by having to buy new clothes to accommodate it, not to mention the implications on your overall health and well being.
While a healthy diet and exercise are imperative, a little liposuction might be just what you need to help reach your ideal shape, or even put you on the right path to wellness.

Liposuction, or liposculpture, is a fairly simple procedure that is often misunderstood. It is intended to remove excess fatty tissue and help contour your shape into a more slender you. Liposuction does not cause significant weight loss. A large amount of fat actually weighs very little. Liposuction sucks and shapes. The procedure can be performed on just about any area of the body where fat can be pinched: legs, hips, thighs, abdomen, back, chest, arms and chin are all common target areas.

Depending on the physician you choose, which is the most important step in the process, you may be placed under general or local anesthesia. Due to the unnecessary risks associated with general anesthesia, I highly suggest finding a doctor who utilizes the tumescent technique and local anesthesia. Yes, you will be awake for the process, but comforted with tranquilizers and able to communicate if you are uncomfortable.


With tumescent liposuction, many patients are able to return to work after a couple days and perform regular household duties as long as they don’t involve heavy lifting and too much bending and stretching. A compression garment is worn under regular clothing for up to 30 days to help aid in contouring while holding everything in place to allow for proper healing. Bruising is typically visible for a couple of weeks.

Liposuction is not for everyone. The ideal candidate still has a good amount of elasticity in their skin, no serious health or heart problems, and reasonable expectations. If you didn’t look like a Barbie or Ken doll in your younger years, no amount of liposuction will create that appearance for you now.

This procedure should be used as one of many tools to help achieve greater overall health and improved self confidence. It is not a substitute for healthy eating and regular exercise, but it might be just what you need to compliment the two.

Many physicians offer special pricing on liposuction this time of year, as well as financing. Always schedule a complementary consultation with several different doctors to make sure all of your questions and concerns are discussed prior to making the commitment. After all, it’s your body!

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