By: Bronwyn Ison
Often times we have heard someone say, “I’m just going through something right now.” When we hear these words, we have a tendency to refrain from inquiring what the person in experiencing. Why? Generally, we believe the person must be going through something adverse. Have you contemplated someone is going through something, translates into a poor experience?
Truly, we’re all going through something. It’s called life. Positive progression is moving through and not remaining in a stagnant posture. A friend once shared with me she was so stressed due to what was transpiring in her life. She told me her daughter and son-in-law just had their first child. Her other daughter was getting married, plus, she was promoted in her job and this would require more responsibility. She appeared excited and stressed simultaneously. You see affirmative progression can be stressful too.
Moving through and not being stagnant is an exceptional place to be in life. If you are seeking to move through life, you must be willing to take chances. Chances and change are often frightening. I believe being static and in the same place year after year may be more frightening than the actual change and transformation you can affect in your life. If you are the type of person who is complaining about not progressing professionally, spiritually, or physically, there is only one person to be held responsible, YOU!
Fortunately, I am experiencing abundant change at the present time. I had to put all into perceptive. There isn’t one circumstance in my life that is negative. It just happens to be inundating at one time. One thing for sure, I am not bored or stuck.
Are you moving through life? Or, are you immobilized? The difference boils down to, creating and affecting positive change. Or, are you able to transition? Do you continue to make excuses? It may be time to commence an evaluation of self. Take a step back and evaluate yourself personally and professionally.
Position yourself in an honest space. Recognize whether or not you are moving forward or remaining stagnant. Growth requires a kinetic commitment. Commence moving to you true destination.
Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga. www.e-volveyoga.com
760.564.YOGA (9642)