Cathedral City City Hall, Cathedral City CA
“This annual event includes a lit Hollywood-style movie set-themed as Main Street at Santa’s North Pole.
“North Pole Village”:
Thanks to the Cathedral City Public Arts Commission and the amazing work by the theatrical stage artists from the Coachella Valley Repertory Theatre and local artists, the ‘North Pole Village’ comes to life in front of City Hall. This Hollywood-style movie set depicts ‘main street’ at Santa’s North Pole – all lit with holiday lights. It is the ultimate backdrop for the family holiday pictures and selfies.
“The ‘North Pole Village’ features nearly 20 store fronts painted as if they came right out of a children’s book. Best of all, the ‘North Pole Village’ will remain as a static display all the way through the beginning of the New Year and ending on January 9, 2022.
Think Holiday season 2021 and Enjoy the all the Fun!