They’ve drifted into your lane, drive right through red lights, blown past you in a hurry only to sit when the light turns greens (because their testing). They injure or kill thousands annually! Chances are you’re (or have been) one of them.
At any given daylight hour there are over 700,000 drivers using cell phones or manipulating electronic devices in this country. Over one third of drivers admit to texting and driving and three quarters say they regularly see or encounter others doing it.
Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. When traveling at 55mph, that’s enough time to cover the length of a football field blindfolded.
In 2014 drivers with smartphones had grown to 80 percent and is rising (the phone may be smart but the users aren’t!).
April is Distracted Driver Awareness month reminds Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna. “Now is the time to unplug yourself before you hurt yourself, others or worse – “Drive Yourself to Death”
Keep your cell phone in an accessible place but not in one where you can see it light up for every notification you receive. Your cell phone should also be on silent mode. Just because your hands aren’t on your phone doesn’t mean the distraction has been eliminated. If a phone call or text message is really important, it’s best to pull over into a safe location — preferably a parking lot — before using your phone.
Be Safe, Be Civil and Be Smart (without the phone!)
Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna