Hot Purple Energy – with a focus on the “Energy”— is accepting bicycles at its headquarters, Studio E on Farrell Road in Palm Springs, for the City of Palm Springs Office of Sustainability’s “Neglected Bike Program.” Running through the month of May, the bicycles will be donated to the Boys & Girls Club of Palm Springs.
“Recycling can apply to numerous items, not just cans, bottles and plastics,” said Vice President David Herrlinger of Hot Purple Energy. “At Hot Purple Energy we have implemented recycling on numerous levels, from our remodeled walls within our building which were created from recycled wood pallets, to using recycled vegetable oil from Las Casuelas and El Marisol to run our trucks. The Neglected Bike Program is a wonderful opportunity for folks to donate their unused bicycles, while at the same time giving an incredible gift to a child or teen who otherwise may not be able to experience the fun and freedom of bike riding.”
Working and non-working bicycles of any size or condition will be accepted. Palm Springs Cyclery is supporting the program to provide tune-ups and repairs to the donated bikes.
Throughout Bike Month various bicycle events* are taking place in Palm Springs. Hot Purple Energy is providing a solar powered photo booth and music for the Saturday May 10th Bike Festival at Sunrise Park and the Boys & Girls Club parking lot from 8 a.m. to Noon. Other events include a Bike Clean-Up Day on May 4th; Bike to School Day on May 7th; Bike to Work Week May 12th to the 16th; and a Full Moon Bike Ride on May 15th.
HPE has created a niche in the marketplace with its eclectic company persona, and has become known for raising energy use awareness in new, exciting, and different ways. They were recently recognized by the City of Palm Springs for a commitment to sustainability efforts in the community. HPE is consistently involved in powering, sponsoring, and participating in valley events, while also supporting philanthropy on an ongoing basis.
As a comprehensive energy solutions company, HPE is available for complimentary consultations for an energy efficiency overview, providing recommendations and solutions for short- and long-term energy use. The company is revered for designing tailored solutions to meet the needs cost effectively for homes and businesses. For more information about HPE, please visit www.hotpurpleenergy.com or call (760) 322-4433. Hot Purple Energy, Studio E, is located at 810 N. Farrell Drive in Palm Springs.