Health and wellness, is on the tips of most tongues in 2023. After all, who doesn’t want to live a healthy and illness-free life?
In a world filled with pollutants, stressors, and other health-taxing scavengers, it seems that true health and wellness these days is becoming an unattainable “Holy Grail”. Fortunately, when it comes to the topic of optimizing health here in the Coachella Valley, there is a remedy available that nurture’s patients to optimal health time and time again.
For nearly three decades, Dr. Daniel L. Johnson has operated the Coachella Valley’s leading Holistic healthcare center cradled amidst the charm of gorgeous El Paseo, in Palm Desert – DESERT LONGEVITY INSTITUTE. Dr. Johnson’s tenure as a master practitioner of health extends beyond his clinic’s existence with a lifespan of close to 45 years as a medical professional. Dr. Johnson has been involved with, and has witnessed more health and wellness transformations than he has sunrises and sunsets. He has been affectionately referred to as – “the doctor of last hope”.
“Q&A with DR. JOHNSON” is a new column that allows readers the unique opportunity, and exclusivity to write and ask Dr. Johnson health-related questions. Dr. Johnson will answer questions in the order in which they are received, but there is nothing more productive when taking care of your health than by scheduling a consult with Dr. Johnson in-person at DESERT LONGEVITY INSTITUTE.
This week’s question comes from local resident, Monica. Monica, thank you for taking the time to write us.
Monica asks:
“Dr. Johnson, I am forty-five-years-old. I don’t smoke, and I don’t drink alcohol. I don’t take drugs, I get outdoors most days, get plenty of sleep, water, and eat healthily. I began exercising four days per week for about one hour each workout approximately one year ago. I will also add that I have never missed a workout, and make sure I stay within my calorie limitations, but haven’t noticed any change in my weight or appearance. I don’t understand why my body isn’t responding. I am very disappointed. Is there anything you may suggest, or let me know why nothing is happening? Thank you.
Dr. Johnson’s response:
“Hello Monica, it’s nice to meet you. Many Americans start experiencing the symptoms you’re describing somewhere around the age of 40. Most of us don’t really start to pay attention to our health until we realize, “I’m not 18 anymore”. By then, we have the accumulated problems of 30-40 years of poor diet and lifestyle choices to overcome, and it’s not realistic to “turn things around quickly”.
I commend you for your present-day healthy lifestyle, but there are some important medical evolutions that need to happen in conjunction. At age 40, hormone imbalances are very important and are commonly overlooked especially low thyroid. The standard way of thyroid testing overlooks many cases of this condition. T4 – more importantl. It’s essential to test your “FREE T4” – the state-of-the-art thyroid testing. Additionally, your adrenal function needs to be tested as well as testing for things like chronic heavy metal toxicity (standard blood tests are NOT accurate). Depending on your medical history, you may also need to be tested for sleep apnea as well as other potential issues. A holistic doctor is always your best bet for addressing these, and other medical issues.
I hope this helps with your health and wellness journey Monica.
If you would like to ask Dr. Johnson a question concerning health and wellness, please write us at: tiarapublications@gmail.com
(760) 773-5994