Stress is a prevalent component in today’s fast-paced world which can negatively impact on an individual’s health and well-being. Massage therapy has been shown to be a means by which stress can be reduced significantly on physical and psychological levels.

One of the best places I have visited in the Coachella Valley for a great massage is called Top Spa Massage in Rancho Mirage.

A great experience which included acupressure and deep tissue massage. I experienced a very quiet and relaxing atmosphere and when I left, areas that were bothering me seemed to have been ‘worked out’ from my body. The masseuse knew areas that were tight and spent extra time working them out.

The cost of daily living: bills, kids, jobs, long commutes… This is the stress we tend to ignore or push down. Left uncontrolled this stress affects your health- your body and your immune system. Exercise, eat right and treat yourself to a Top Spa Massage!


Top Spa Massage 34151 Monterey Ave. Unit 104 Rancho Mirage, CA Phone number (760) 442-0108

Treat yourself, don’t cheat yourself!

Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna