Some say “fairy tale advertising lawyers”, aka “Lying Kings”, have billboards saying they are the best…however, former clients may disagree! The truth is there is a reason lawyers advertise. Common sense suggests they may not be trusted enough for referrals from other lawyers and past clients.
Some are backed by wealthy family members that throw “Millions of Dollars” into advertising and/or buy the name-only of a law firm, like Jacoby and Meyers. CV residents must be careful, because many are not local, rent a room, use the internet, or use a sign-up person to interview unaware victims.
I know, because I moved here 30 years ago for a better place to raise a family… and had to advertise. I left my Law Office of Dale Gribow, PC, a 30 person firm in Beverly Hills that represented many “Hollywood” celebs and VIP’s. No one here knew of me and there were no lawyers, yet, who were going to refer PI and DUI cases to me. This was all before I established a name, and was recognized with numerous awards, for providing professional legal advice and solutions to the critically injured and criminally accused, coupled with my Philanthropy.
I would sign up 60-200 PI cases a month and it was impossible to stay on top of all the cases …with clients I rarely met. Many advertising lawyers are competent, but they can’t handle all the cases, and unless your case is worth a $1,000,000, the chances are you may be handled by a “non- lawyer manager assistant” or junior attorney.
The truth is, there is a reason lawyers advertise, and many say it’s because doctors, lawyers and friends don’t have the confidence to refer cases to them. Some say they aren’t considered experienced enough to receive reputation based referrals and are “hungry”. Instead, they advertise with slogans and jingles like…We will fight for you; The Accident Guys/Brothers/Siblings; My Lawyer Got Me; Just Call X or Call for the Value of Your Case. Some promise to get $25,000 on a minor soft tissue case, and later are not successful AND talk you into accepting a Low Ball offer. My honest ads didn’t say I was the best, but provided quality results from years of experience.
It’s like the proverbial dog who chases a car and doesn’t know what to do after s/he catches the car…or signs up the new case. Successful attorneys don’t need to advertise to get referrals from lawyers and past clients. My decades of success, warranted routine inclusion as TOP/BEST Lawyer on established review sites, thus making advertising no longer necessary. Many say, what distinguishes me, is my “ reputation for caring about the well-being of clients…and providing personalized attention throughout the successful resolution of cases.”
They say a good PI/DUI lawyer provides a pleasant wave of calmness that washes over the client like a warm protective blanket, and is like a fine wine and caviar. Most “advertising lawyers” are likened to beer and pizza. USC and UCLA alums have a better chance of agreeing on which school is better, than an accident victim has of getting a great result with a 1-800 non local, park bench, TV advertising PI/DUI Lawyer.
Unfortunately, many lawyers who advertise locally, are NOT based in the CV, and have not been Martindale AV Pre-eminent or Avvo Superb rated. Like scam artists, many go after the most gullible, who believe the advertising. AV and Avvo Superb are the highest and most respected national ratings awarded to a select few. They reflect “confidential opinions” of Judges and Attorneys familiar with the attorneys reputation, for Legal Ability and Very Trustworthy.
Dale Gribow’s “boutique concierge” firm protects the Critically Injured/Criminally Accused, and recognized with 25+ Top Lawyer Awards, 4 Dale Gribow Days, 8 Man of the Year Awards, and awarded Mr. Charity.
Cut out this card!
Upon advice of my attorney, Dale Gribow, I exercise my right to remain silent until you contact him at (760) 837-7500 or dale@dalegribowlaw.com for an OK. He advises, “the VOLUNTARY FIELD SOBRIETY AND BREATH TESTS, at the scene, are OPTIONAL (unless one is on probation). Thus, I elect not to take them. I want to cooperate and am happy to take a BLOOD TEST.”