Produced by Tiar’a Literary & Illustration

The term “organic” has been closely associated with the grocery industry for decades. Nationally and internationally [respectively], it seems that all the whose who of the grocery distribution markets have lassoed themselves to the organic farmer’s band wagon of these commercially franchised chains. However, not all produce grown organically remains organic when it gets displayed inside a grocery store. But before we get into that, let’s talk a little about organic foods, produce, the benefits, and the cost.

If anyone is seeking a newfound healthy lifestyle, or merely wanting to maintain their healthy already established values – organic, or “close to nature” foods (meats, milk, cereals, etc.) and produce [potatoes, carrots, lettuce, etc.], choices become an absolute. The benefits of consuming un-modified, rich in vitamins and nutrients, abundantly healthy food choices are virtually endless, and beyond priceless. Yet, when it comes to price, organic foods and produce, for the most part, are a mere fraction above the cost of non-organic. The little extra investment simply makes sense and is worth what your body deserves.

Clark’s Nutrition and Natural Foods Market, a U.S. and California-based family-owned and operated business, established in 1972, has always been at the forefront of supplying the highest quality organic foods and produce to customers. From farm to your fridge, Clark’s keeps a diligent watch on the quality of every product. Organic is just one of the many reasons Clark’s founder Jim Clark discovered his passion to create the Clark’s’ honest, healthy, well-respected, and long-lasting legacy.


Jim Clark captured the trend of “health” in the Golden State during its inception in the 1970’s. Jim (and subsequently) Jim’s son, Ray – and now Ray’s son, Josh, have all strived to make certain that the foods and produce on offer inside Clark’s stores are, and remain “truly” organic, and are not merely cheap and misleading imitations.

Most people are unaware that even if produce is shipped to a grocery store from an organic source, stores do utilize a spraying system of regular unfiltered water to saturate and keep produce cool. Because of this, produce is no longer considered “organic”, and is immediately contaminated by water that is filled with unhealthy bacteria, pesticides, and other unwanted and unhealthy invaders. To thwart this from happening at Clark’s Nutrition and Natural Foods Market, they’ve invested a considerable amount of research, and money into their Reverse Osmosis Machines.

What is a Reverse Osmosis, and how does it work?

A Reverse Osmosis Machine removes all impurities from water including pesticides, viruses, bacteria, and heavy metals – sorry Metallica, Iron Maiden, and all you other headbangers (that was of course a joke). Heavy metals are toxins that find themselves in foods and beverages and wreak havoc upon the human body and immune system. Not something anyone wants.

At Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Markets customers can rest-easy knowing that Clark’s always uses Reverse Osmosis water for spraying produce. This assures “organic” produce remains organic.

All Clark’s locations, including our very own on Monterey Avenue in Rancho Mirage, have Reverse Osmosis Machines to ensure your safety every time produce is purchased.

“We decided that organic needed to be as organic as possible – with a little help from Clark’s” – The Clark’s Team.

Whether you want to get or remain healthy, are an athlete in-training, or are an aspiring bodybuilder/fitness enthusiast, and want to learn more of what we offer in our store, Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market should be your only choice for grocery and supplement shopping. From organic produce, to organic foods, to high-grade supplements, protein powders, cosmetics, health books, magazines and more … Clark’s – Live Better, We Can Help”.

Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market – “Live Better, We Can Help”
(760) 324-4626 • 34175 Monterey Avenue, Rancho Mirage

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