By Aimee Mosco

How many times have you ignored that nagging voice in your head only to regret it later on? If you are like most people, this has probably happened more times than you would care to admit.

We all have this inner voice that speaks from the shadows of the mind. Often times when it speaks the moment is inopportune to follow the guidance – and the repercussions can be costly or at the very least, embarrassing if you take unwarranted action. Have you ever known someone who has cancelled a plane flight because that voice told them their plane was going to crash? Or not gotten on a roller coaster because they believed the track would collapse during their ride?

More often than not, the plane doesn’t crash, and the roller coaster track doesn’t collapse, which casts doubt on the communications coming from inner voices!


So then, how do you know when to act and when to dismiss the message?

It can be tricky because your inner voice gets its inspiration from two sources that sit at opposite ends of the truth spectrum; Your ego and your spirit. Your spirit shines pure, unadulterated truth through your inner voice while your ego is reactive and projects fear through your inner voice. When you receive communications from your spirit, the messages are solid and trustworthy. When you receive communications from your ego, the messages are fake news.

How do you distinguish between the two if they are both delivering messages as your inner voice?

The short answer is that you don’t even try. The better course of action, rather than trying to determine which communications originate where, is to choose how and which messages are delivered to you. It’s important to remember that you are in charge. You get to set the rules with your own internal communications. This is not to say that it won’t take some effort to train your inner voice because it has likely gone unmanaged for as many years as you have been in your body.

Here are some tips to begin your training:

  • Set a few quiet minutes aside each day to connect with your spirit.
  • Let your spirit know that you are choosing to only receive internal messages in the highest form of truth from this part of yourself.
  • Express the intent to have your spirit override the fear-based messages of your ego so they are not received to your mind.

As you consciously engage your inner spirit, you will begin to sense the depth of your connection to this sacred part of self and your trust will grow. When this happens, your ego will ultimately no longer have a voice.    

In my pursuit to help you to refine a conscious connection with your spirit, I invite you to join Facebook group Evolve through Love hosted by Elizabeth Scarcella, BB Ingle and me. Go to and share with us your experiences.

Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Global Ambassador for, and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s passion for helping others inspired her book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. For more information, find Aimee at