The President of the United States has the most sophisticated protocols for screening objects and visitors into the Whitehouse. How did President Trump, the First Lady and close staff become infected with the Chinese virus? It appears it came from the Rose Garden announcement of the Supreme Court Nominee. Was this deliberate? Is it because he was not wearing a mask?
A new study out 10/01/2020 titled: Randomized Controlled Trials of Early Ambulatory
Hydroxychloroquine in the Prevention of COVID-19 Infection,
Hospitalization, and Death: Meta-Analysis. The researchers are from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, the Division of Infectious Diseases from the Henry Ford Hospital, the Department of Internal Medicine from Baylor University, and finally the Department of Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health.
These researchers did a meta-analysis of 5 randomized clinical trials including 5,577 patients in the United States, Canada, and Spain. HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) was associated with a 24% reduction in COVID-19 infection, hospitalization or death, P=.025. Serious adverse events were not reported, and cardiac arrhythmia was rare.
Another issue is how deaths are counted. It was discovered that an adult male was in a motorcycle accident and died. He was found to have tested positive for the coronavirus. What was his cause of death? The injuries from the motorcycle accident or COVID-19? Colorado is the only state that separates these statistics, deaths from COVID or deaths with COVID.
Alex Berenson reports in his book Unreported Truths About COVID-19 Part 1, six million people die every two years in the United States. Thus 200,000 deaths from COVID would demonstrate a 3% increase in mortality. It also equals the number of deaths from alcohol abuse. (Amazon delayed the publication of this book due to not complying with their guidelines. Amazon asked Berenson to remove his references!)
Next there is no scientific evidence that children pass the virus onto adults. In California there are 9,000 deaths from COVID-19. There is not one death from the virus in anyone under 18. The Swedish government report puts death risk from COVID-19 at 1 in 10,000 for everyone under 50. Dr Redford from the CDC reports the risk of death in children under 18 is 1 in 1 million.
Now let us look at the lockdown measures. It was the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington that released its model for all 50 States. Trouble is the model assumed no lockdowns. Yet this distinguishing effect was not revealed. The models failed as it predicted New York would need 69,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 ventilators. Instead New York had 16,500 hospitalizations and only 4,000 were on ventilators. But the country and the media keep touting the model’s projections.
Knut Wittkowski, former longtime head of the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at the Rockefeller University in New York City is warning that locking down populations around the world is not the answer to exterminating the Wuhan coronavirus. The veteran scholar explains that by locking people down inside their homes, we are only prolonging the outbreak.
Lastly the issue of wearing masks. The rational for community use of masks is that the coronavirus is aerosolized as opposed to droplet spread. Droplets fall to the ground immediately when expelled by cough, speaking, sneezing. Microbiologist and physician Stanley Perlman of the University of Iowa. “You have to distinguish between what’s possible and what’s actually happening.” “If it could easily exist as an aerosol, we would be seeing much greater levels of transmission,” said epidemiologist Michael LeVasseur of Drexel University.
Physical evidence bolsters that epidemiological reasoning. When researchers in Singapore tested the air in the rooms of three Covid-19 patients, they found no virus particles in the air. That suggests that aerosolized virus particles are, at worst, rare in real-world conditions.
“We’ve seen no evidence that aerosolized virus is the primary transmission risk for everyday people in everyday settings,” said Dylan Morris of Princeton University, a co-author of the study.” Quarantine is isolating the sick, Tyranny is isolating the healthy.
Will President Trump’s treatment for coronavirus show this virus is no longer a death sentence?
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