As Keto gains popularity you may be wondering what do I eat on Keto? It seems to be a terrific way to lose weight quicky, but will I like the foods and be satisfied? Even though Keto is now a common household word …there is still a lot of misunderstanding of exactly what to eat. The rumors are true: You can eat bacon on the keto diet. That alone gets a stamp of approval for Keto and makes it doable!
There is a wide variety of delicious and filling Keto friendly foods and recipes. However, many processed, packaged foods are off-limits, and even certain whole foods are too starchy (sorry, sweet potatoes). You need to fill your plate with low-carb, high-fat foods such as meat, seafood, non-starchy produce, and healthy fats.
Keto is a healthy high fat diet with moderate protein and low carbs. I tend to customize macros for my clients depending on their needs like health, lifestyle, age activity level, etc. However, the “typical” Keto diet is approximately 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs.
Take a look at a sampling of some of Keto’s food options:
Meat –Keto is a high-fat diet, not high protein, so you don’t need huge amounts of meat. But when eating meat think steak, chicken, lamb hamburger and the heartier dense meats.
Fish and seafood – These are all good. Think scallops, halibut, cod, shrimp, and especially fatty fish like salmon.
Eggs – Nutritious and delicious no matter how you make them. They can be egg bites, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, omelets, deviled eggs, egg salad.
Natural fat, high-fat sauces, and oils – You’ll likely get much of your fat from natural sources like meat, fish, eggs, etc. But also use fat in cooking with butter, avocado oil, olive oil or coconut oil. Add olive oil to salads and delicious high-fat sauces to main dishes. Eating the right kind of Fat is important for optimum health. Avoid polyunsaturated fat at all costs (vegetable and seed oils)
Nuts – We love our nuts on Keto in moderation. Nuts can be consumed raw or as a nut butter except Cashews which are high in carbs. But that leaves Hazelnuts, Pecans, Sunflower seeds, Walnuts and Macadamia nuts.
Berries – A moderate amount is OK on keto and make a delicious dessert with strawberries, raspberries, or blackberries and whipping cream.
What About Vegetables?
Yes, you can have vegetables on Keto. You choose them carefully based on carb count and typically eat those growing above ground. Choose vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, avocado, broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts, green beans, asparagus, or zucchini. Vegetables replace carbs like rice, pasta, and potatoes. Think of Zucchini noodles, cauliflower rice, cauliflower mash as great keto substitutes.
Can I Have Dairy?
Yes, if it’s high fat dairy. We don’t use any low-fat products on Keto. So, you’d be eating butter, high fat cheeses, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese and heavy whipping cream. Often this short list is enough to convince many to give Keto a try. They have eliminated these foods from their diet for so long and are excited to add them back in.
What Foods to Definitely Avoid
Beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts
Grains, such as rice, pasta, and oatmeal
Low-fat dairy products
Added sugars and sweeteners
Sugary beverages, including juice and soda
Traditional snack foods, such as potato chips, pretzels, and crackers
Starchy vegetables, including corn, potatoes, beets, carrots and peas
I Didn’t see Alcohol…Can I have it?
Yes. Alcohol can be consumed in moderation, but you’d avoid most beers and certain wines or sweetened cocktails. But there are plenty of low carb alcoholic drinks you can enjoy.
One of the hardest parts of starting the Keto diet is knowing what the best foods are to help you hit your daily macros and get into ketosis faster for weight loss.
Get Your Free Ultimate Guide to Everything You Can Eat on Keto
This is a good basic list but if you’d like a copy of my ultimate guide to everything you can and can’t eat when you go keto— please email me at ketoiseasy@gmail.com . Keep it with you everywhere you go: to the grocery store, to restaurants and your keto life just got easier.
About Michelle Borthwick: Michelle is a Keto Lifestyle coach, a Seasoned expert on Customized Keto. Keto weight loss results can be greatly improved with Coaching, Customization, Accountability, and a trusted partner to guide you every step of the way. Michelle offers private sessions, proven Keto diet hacks, goal setting, ongoing support and more. Follow Keto is Easy coach on Facebook and Instagram or go to Ketoiseasycoach.com.