Holiday weight gain is real. I’m sure this comes as no surprise considering the increased amounts of fattening foods, high sugar treats, and holiday drinks. Don’t let the holiday ruin your waistline this season.
Stop Stressing
Christmas is stressful. Between all the spending and family drama, a lot of people will turn to stress eating. Take steps to stop this from happening. Don’t let your schedule get too full, take a break, and focus on your breathing during times of high anxiety. When the family gets together, avoid touchy subjects and remember to tell yourself to relax.
Indulge Mindfully. Let’s be real here, you’re going to indulge at some point during this season. It doesn’t have to ruin your waistline though. When you indulge, make sure it’s something you love. Don’t just go for the gingerbread man because it’s there and it’s a holiday tradition. It’s easy to eat something just because it’s in front of you, so at your next holiday party, don’t socialize in front of the dessert table.
Move it or Don’t Lose it. Activities! Don’t sit for too long at any party. Plan an after-lunch family activity. Go for a walk! These small calorie-burning activities will help ward off some of the holiday weight gain. Plus, a Christmas morning flag football game can be tons of fun!
Keeping active during the festive season is a simple and important factor that can help keep you fit and strong. Work hard in training and enjoy your favorite carb-based festive treats as recovery foods after your workout.
We teach our clients 80/20 approach.
What is this?
This rule doesn’t just apply to festive periods…it’s all year round! Sticking to a well-planned diet that meets your energy and nutrient requirements 80% of the time, allows you to enjoy a treat the remaining 20%. This is not only good for you mentally, but you’re also more likely to stick to a diet and healthy lifestyle if you reward yourself every now and then. Give it a go this Christmas, and if you’re like me and love a mince pie, reward yourself so long as you’ve trained hard and eaten well the majority of the time.
Merry Christmas to all our community of Coachella Valley!