Produced ByTiar’a Literary & Illustration

Do you feel tired or weak? Are you losing, or are you unable to build muscle mass? If the answer is yes to any of these, then you may need more high-quality protein in your diet.

Protein is a fundamental building block for muscle development, growth, and tissue repair within the human body. Without, or with little protein in the bloodstream, our bodies suffer in more ways than merely muscle-wasting. Take into consideration the human heart. The heart is itself a muscle, and as with the muscle in a bicep or a quadricep, the heart also requires adequate amounts of protein in the bloodstream to remain healthy, and fuel your lifestyle.

For those who may not be aware, protein builds muscle first and foremost. It additionally helps you to feel full. This in-turn helps curb your appetite. It can also help your body build muscle, increase insulin sensitivity, and boost your metabolism via its thermogenic effect.


Whenever we move (such as getting out of bed, crossing the street, getting in or out of a car) or exercise, muscle tissues and fibers are torn. This is where our body’s need for adequate protein occurs. Carbohydrates (such as potatoes and vegetables), sugars (such as commercial cereals and candy bars), and fats (such as butter and cheese) will not in any significant way aid in the repair of muscle tissues. The truly defining characteristic of what constitutes the unique makeup of protein is that other macronutrients (such as carbohydrates and fats) are used as sources of fuel by the human body. Protein is used to repair tissue, and injury.

Can you be a vegan or vegetarian and remain healthy muscle mass, and or build muscle tissues?

The answer to the above is, yes. Fortunately, we now live in an age where high-quality supplements are abundantly available, and many are designed to meet the requirements of a modern-day vegan or vegetarian.

At Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market in Rancho Mirage, we offer a wide-range of

high-quality protein supplements including our very own fueled by Collagen peptides. Collagen is vitally important for maintaining skin elasticity (as we age), as well as hair and nail health, and preserving a more youthful appearance.

If you are seeking to improve the way you feel and move, then the very best protein supplements are what you need. At Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market, we offer the purest protein supplements on the market, and we are locally-owned and family operated.

Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market – Live Your Best.