By Bronwyn Ison
More than ever, we are witnessing humanity, in its entirety as each of us share the same experience. It’s not to say we were not cognizant of our society prior to our country being shutdown. Yet, I’ll venture to say you may be viewing life from a new perspective.
We’re blasted with new information each day. Each 24-hour passing feels like Groundhog Day. We’re told not to visit with our friends and family and we are discouraged from congregating with one another. Our economy is suffering and our unemployment rates are at all time high since the Great Depression. Fear has be instilled into the world and there is no clarity to an end. Yet, I encourage you not give in or give up. I understand, wholeheartedly, easier said than done.
This isn’t a column about my opinion or my personal thoughts about what I believe is happening. Rather, I want to share with you my personal brush with humanity. Just a few things to always remember.
Prior to concluding my live yoga Zoom class (I was in our final posture, savasana, resting on your back), I sat up and blinked my eyes open. I was surprised to see a shirtless man, heavily tattooed standing outside my window. He was very built, with a backpack, a suitcase and obviously homeless. As a woman, sitting in a quiet space, I was startled and surprised to see this person standing outside my business. He was intimidating and I was recognizably alarmed by his presence. Without a doubt he realized my reaction. He casually walked away and later returned. Being well alert and taking further notice to gather a description of him, this young man came back to further surprise me. He walked to the furthest edge of the curb, away from my business, and proceeded to shuffle through his bag. Once he retrieved what he was looking for he turned back and walked towards my front door. My first thought was, “here we go.” Not only did he impress me but he brought me to tears. He stopped, and set two items on the third step of my doorway and walked away. Those two items were a cold Gatorade and a protein bar. My stomach dropped not only with a sigh of relief but also that I was too quick to judge this young man. The heaviness that I felt rested in my chest, specifically my heart. My heart ached for this man who had no place to go and yet offered a kind gesture as if to say he was sorry to startling me. My simple brush with humanity reminded me to refrain from judgment. We never know where or what someone is going through. We’ve all experienced something challenging and possibly debilitating. If you have the means to help another person … find it within yourself to offer something or anything to assist someone in need. May this rest in your heart and recognize that you are not alone. We’re all in this together.
Bronwyn Ison is the founder of e-volveyoga.com EvolveYogaOnline.com BetterForItNow.com
Contact Bronwyn, bronwyn@e-volveyoga.com