By Daniel Paris
In a previous review, I stated pizza was the perfect take-out food. What was I thinking? Tacos are, by far, the best take-out food possible. Most taqueros are happy to accommodate your tastes. You want a spicy lengua (tongue) with lots of cilantro and onions? How about a mix of buche and cabeza? My new favorite is chorizo mixed with carnitas.
Los Primo’s take-out is tucked in a small area at the end of a frozen panorama of ice cream flavors to entertain you while you wait for your order. Or you can wander over to the butcher counter and pickup some marinated chicken or carne asada to grill for dinner. They have a great selection of homemade salsas, guacamole, and don’t forget the cotija cheese which makes everything taste better. The deli has a nice selection of fresh herbs and vegetables and extensive collection of canned goods. I suggest the owner get some COVID-19 virus piñatas made for the grand fiesta to celebrate a vaccine. Who wouldn’t want to take a swing at that? Oh, my tacos are ready. Today they are 99 cents each for chicken, al pastor, and carne asada. I only ordered two because I have more tacos in my future. I had two delicious carne asada tacos with a spicy tomatillo salsa. Time to hit the taco trail, aka Hwy. 111, to my next destination, Tacos Gonazlez.
Tacos Gonzalez is a tidy little restaurant with six tables on the western border of Indio. The aromas of an al pastor tompe (inverted meat cone) sizzling on the vertical broiler and bubbling cauldrons of carnitas and meats browning on the flattop led me to the order counter. A big smile when I ordered my carnitas tacos in Spanish “con todo” (with onions and cilantro). Other customers ahead of me ordered tortas, sandwich rolls stuffed with carne asada, guacamole, lettuce, onions, and tomatoes. They looked delicious. As is often the case with many taquerias, Tacos Gonzalez is next door to a busy carniceria with an endless supply of fresh meats for their neighbor. Tacos make everyone happy so if your restricted life is getting you down you know what to do.
Los Primos Market and Deli
46490 Calhoun St. Indio
Open: 7 am-10pm M-Sun.
Tacos Gonzalez
80120 U.S. Hwy. 111 Indio
Open M-Sun. 8 am.-8 pm.