By Bronwyn Ison
As we near summers end, there may be a few loose ends you need to resolve. Children go back to school and many of us have returned from our vacations. Only four months remain in 2015, which may have you asking yourself a few questions. Did you fulfill your resolutions? Have you resolved and addressed certain issues or problems in your life? It could be you lost focus or passion. If you are struggling ask yourself the following questions.
Are you immersed in a funk? Are you experiencing a lack of motivation? Do you possess a lack of motivation? Hence, what are you going to do about getting back into the groove? Time is passing and we continue to do nothing about addressing our problems. Time to investigate the issue and commence solving the problem(s).
May I challenge you to hit the rewind button on your life and revert to your childhood? You had dreams and you were filled with passion about what the future may hold. Do you feel the same today? It is likely we do not hold the same dreams and certainly not the exact passion. As a child you may recall being asked, what do you want to be when you grow up? You may have had bountiful dreams, goals, and aspirations. What happened to those dreams? Life happened along the way. As we grew into adulthood we experienced or witnessed dreams not fulfilled and possibly crushed. Who says you cannot live out your dreams now? We hold the key. It is our prerogative and responsibility to act or not.
You may have dreams and be excited in a childlike way. As humans we dare to dream. If dreaming is all you need to do to be fulfilled then this tactic works for you. Yet, if you want to act out your dreams, go for it! You are the only person who says you can’t. Erase the words. “I can’t.” Replace them with, “I can or I will try.” At this juncture in our lives it is about attitude. Each of us has had something preclude us from pursuing something beautiful. I also understand timing can be everything. Take the tragedies, hiccups, and distractions and utilize these experiences positively. Lose the frame of mind of self-pity. You will gain confidence once you get up and dust yourself off.
How do I ignite my personal flame? Identify what you want, need, and desire. Be realistic (you can never dream to big) and be patient. Be realistic about time frames. Nothing spectacular and outrageous is going to happen instantaneously. Expect to work. The work is part of the journey and should be looked at positively. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow personally.
Each of us has the power to dream and live out our passions. Be prepared, be diligent, stay focused and surround yourself with people who love and support you. Finding your inner child is not hard because you truly have never lost the little boy or girl in you.