By Morgan James
Every week the CV Open Mic Competition at The Block Sports Bar & Grill in Cathedral City thrills performers and cheering fans alike. Live videos fill social media and photos flash, capturing the still frames of the soon to be famous. Audience giveaways from sponsor, Brutal Bee Music Group, get the crowd roaring for a chance at a quality, custom t-shirt. Week #10 ran this course as each performer gave it their all for this week’s local celebrity judge, Brett McLaughlin, bassist and acoustic guitarist for popular band Caxton. Brett had the tough job of scoring each hard working performer as they graced the stage. Once the votes were tallied, it was Kate London who was awarded 1st place. The singer decided to take home two tickets to the Mary Pickford Theatre and will now move on to the Semi Finals January 4th. If she wins there, Kate will compete in the Grand Finals on January 11th for an MTV Quality Music Video Production from Desert C.A.M. Studios/Winmill Films and award winning Director Chip Miller, plus a $500 trip to Las Vegas from Crater Lake Spirits, as well as an Artist Development Session from Grammy nominated Producer Ronnie King, a Promotional Photo Shoot from Rav Holly, a Boss RC-1 Loop Station Pedal from Guitar Center Palm Desert, and an artist merchandise package from Brutal Bee Music Group including logo design and 25 t-shirts, stickers and more! 2nd place was awarded to rapper Zech B who chose to take home a $25 gift certificate to Stuft Pizza Bar & Grill. 3rd place went to Desert Pirates who also chose to take home a $25 gift certificate to Stuft Pizza Bar & Grill.
THANK YOU to ALL our performers at the CV Open Mic Competition for putting on a great show AND making the environment so supportive for all of the artists involved: Daniel Scopelitis aka Aviators, Jim Holiday, Zech Braccamontes, L Boogie Da Mann, Zack No Slack, Desert Pirates, Jeremy Goodlander of 5 Acre Dream. Also a big thanks to Johnny Carmona, our amazing sound technician. I hope to see you all next WEDNESDAY at THE BLOCK SPORTS BAR & GRILL in Cathedral City! Look for coverage of this week’s event and the announcement of winners in the next issue of Coachella Valley Weekly! SPECIAL THANKS to all of our sponsors: Desert C.A.M. Studios/Winmill Films & Chip Miller, Ronnie King Music, Crater Lake Spirits, Rav Holly, Guitar Center, Stuft Pizza Bar & Grill, CV Weekly, Canyon Copy & Print, Brutal Bee Music Group, and The Block Sports Bar & Grill.
Be sure to “LIKE” Facebook.com/CVOpenMicCompetition for updates! ALL AGES ALLOWED and YOU may compete EVERY week! PLEASE NOTE: Due to our overwhelming number of interested performers, sign in starts at 7pm and will be closed at 7:45pm. BRING YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY and FANS and note that the competition usually ends around 10:30pm so be sure your friends and family know to stay until the end to voice their vote!!! For questions or information about sign-up, please see Facebook.com/CVOpenMicCompetition or contact creator and host, Morgan Alise James at MorganAliseJames@gmail.com or (714) 651-1911