If you have never been to the TV show, Dancing with the Stars, this is the next best thing. One of our instructors, Van Spencer in the upcoming Dancing with Our Stars, has choreographed dance routines for the TV show troupe and appeared on the show. Now you can personally experience the pizzazz and exhilaration of the show in this multi-charity fundraiser. Produced by Lynne Bunch of A Charity Affaire, this popular event has raised $375,000 for 80 different charities since 2006.
Event tickets for Dancing with Our Stars, Sunday, February 15 at 1 pm at the Agua Caliente Casino are $80 and include lunch and one vote for the charity of your choice. Votes are $20 each and can be purchased in advance of the live competition to support your favorite participating charity.
The following charities and dancers providing a magical, inspiring evening of dance are Carmen Lopez & Van Spencer, Soroptomist House of Hope; Kytti St. Amand & Van Spencer, Parkinson’s Resource Organization; Traci Kaylor & Don Ramos, All Things are Possible and Barbara Bedford & Van Spencer, Rescue Animals of the Universe. Two couples, Jennie Gerhardt & Van Spencer and Mary Anne Eason & Ismael Esquivel, both dance for Coachella Valley Horse Rescue.
Also enjoy the tantalizing non-charity Pro/Am competition from our dance community featuring Elizabeth Wood & Dennis Lyle, Tim Dawson & Elvia Gomez, Barbara Bedford & Van Spencer, Rose Marie Rae & Bill Foster, Nina Beck& Amine Raif and Margaret Hines & Van Spencer. The non-charity Amateur competition has Kathleen Collins & Sonny Routt and Shirley Putnam & Nick Ingrao.
Celebrate the Valentine’s Day weekend with the special person in your life and enjoy romantic entertainment by our hostess Sharon DiHaworth, lunch, the dance competition and dancing for all the guests several times throughout the show. Hosts will be on hand to dance with guests.
For additional information, contact lynne@acharityaffaire.com, 760-218-1687 or go to www.dancingwithourstars.com.