I invite you to start a completely new chapter of your life with my transformational journal, designed for women seeking body, nutrition, and mindset empowerment to live the happiest life they ever could. My journal is here to guide you through every step of the way, focusing on body, nutrition, and mindset improvement through sport, mindfulness practices, healthy eating, and journaling.

Let’s make your wellness journey fun and effective! Share with your journal your highs and lows, clear your mind, leaving any negative thoughts on the pages, accept daily challenges, practice gratitude to notice all the beauty and happiness in your daily life, and keep track of your activity and nutrition to progress and flourish! Here’s how it works.

The journal has 6 sections for you to complete each day, each aimed at helping you in different facets of life:

  1. GOOD MORNING: You can track your sleep, make notes of what you’re thankful for, your morning thoughts and planning (clothes, beauty, and meals.).
  2. MINDSET SHIFT: Every day, a new prompt or task is provided in this section to finish. It will provide you with a more profound understanding of your quest to develop your identity.
  3. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE DAY: Examine what needs to get done versus what you want to get done on your daily to-do list. Take a moment to assess your list. Prioritize the things you need to do. Complete your daily schedule.
  4. DAY: Mid-day tracking – how is your day going and lunch planning. Fitness keep track of your fitness to help you sustain and accomplish your goals.
  5. GOOD EVENING: Now is the time to think back on your day and plan for the next one.
  6. WHAT I ATE TODAY: You can keep track of your daily meal and water intake here.

Ready to kickstart your journey to a healthier, happier you?

You can order New You Journal: Body, Nutrition & Mindset by Nadia Popova at Barnes & Noble here.

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