By Tiar’a Literary & Illustration
“Let’s shake on it”. It’s a term uttered frequently, and people have been practicing its custom for centuries.
In the grand world of commerce or social engagements, a handshake is typically implemented by a business partner (and/or) a consumer – for example, to signify to the other that they have given their “word”. Word, meaning “oath” or “promise” to commit to whatever has been discussed and agreed upon. If one party of a “handshake” deal defaults from whatever was agreed upon at the time of the act, the defaulting party would (and should) be frowned upon and never trusted again. Fifty to sixty years ago if someone defaulted upon a handshake deal everyone knew about it and the perpetrator or the oath-break would find it difficult to continue doing “business as usual”.
Historians believe the art of the “handshake” dates back 3000 years. This fact is supported by the discovery of a relief dating to the 9th century BCE depicting the King of Babylonia, Marduk-Zakir-Shumi I, in which he is shaking hands to cement a partnership with the Assyrian King, Shalmaneser III.
One theory is that the action started to suggest peaceful intent towards another. Extending an empty hand was shown to prove to another that they were not concealing weapons. The up-and-down motion of a handshake was implemented as means to dislodge any daggers that might have been tucked up sleeves. Clasped hands meant terms were agreed upon and a sacred binding oath had been pledged… My, how far we have fallen.
“An agreement can be expressed quickly and clearly in words,” Historian Walter Burkert once said, “but is only made effective by a ritual gesture: open, weaponless hands stretched out toward one another, grasping each other in a mutual handshake.”
In today’s convoluted business, capitalist, and world of consumerism, a handshake no longer holds the value of what it did once upon a time. What is becoming all-the-more disconcerting is that when a handshake deal is broken in today’s world no one seems to blink an eye except for the injured party. Perpetual oath and promise breakers of today’s world continue to do business as usual and remain unscathed by their betrayal. Of course, this statistic is not applicable to all, and the hope is casualties and perpetrators of such hideous a crime is minimal. And so, if a handshake can be broken as easily as it is offered, what is stopping anyone from breaking written contracts? The answer to the evolution of our subject matter is quite simply – nothing at all.
We write this with profound first-hand experience and have lived to tell the tale, so rest assured our words can be taken with more than just a pinch of salt. The idea behind the literature you are consuming is to educate and make you aware so that you may better protect yourselves from the shark-infested waters of oath breakers and promise predators.
Let us analyze the fundamentals of a written contract.
Whenever you buy an item, sign a business deal, purchase a home, etc., both parties are pledging an oath. It’s written on paper. Signed, dated, and recorded. If someone defaults, both have justifiable means to sue the other in a court of law and should recoup whatever is owed. You would think it’s straight forward. To quote a legal expression, “It’s a slam dunk”. Well, think again.
The original handshake oath and promise breakers have become so skilled at their art of deception, that in today’s world they’ve even discovered scrupulous ‘loopholes’ in the law as a means to break contracts. How you ask? Keep reading.
Per personal experience, many corporations, and savvy businesspersons (let’s just call them what they truly are – liars), understand that the legal system [or so they believe] cannot do anything to them if – and when they break contracts. Reality dictates that there are some truths to this belief. For example, famous YouTube personality Mr. Alex Jones was recently slapped with a judgment and asked to pay those he has injured, a billion dollars. Now, you would think that if a judge declares someone guilty and was ordered to pay one billion dollars in damages that whoever was judged might feel somewhat ashamed and be concerned about the outcome and consequences – if there were any. Not Mr. Alex Jones. On his YouTube channel, he broadcasted a clip of the court sentence/order of himself being judged – and laughing. Mr. Jones’ childish actions occurred for several reasons. Firstly, Mr. Alex Jones can simply have his entire net worth tied up in Trust Funds, which by law, are virtually impenetrable. Secondly, if Mr. Jones does not pay the parties as ordered by the court judge, this will not not preclude him from continuing to do business “as usual”, nor will he do jail time. So, the question looms: How do we fix the issue of oath and promise breakers? I believe the answer just presented itself in the narrative.
If our judicial system began pronouncing contract breakers guilty and enforcing edicts to either “pay, have the ability to conduct business revoked, and or be incarcerated”, liars would find a way to cough up what they owe very quickly. Furthermore, the audacity of anyone even considering breaking a contract would rapidly become history.
Be vigilant in all your business and purchasing practices and especially at this time of year. Your level of recourse, sadly, until the judicial system is amended is diminishing.
Keep in mind; be aware of the handshake, that hides a snake [Undisputed Truth, 1971].
Tiar’a Literary & Illustration, is a privately owned Coachella Valley business producing engaging and informative content for individuals and business in the form of promotion, marketing, books, ads, blogs, articles, product description, publicity, and media commercials. Email us your business inquiry today at: tiarapublications@gmail.com
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