By Patte Purcell
Congratulations go out to Julie Montante, owner of PSA Organica, who snagged the first recreational marijuana license in the desert. They will officially open on January 1 from 6 am to 10 pm. I asked her what she thought about the recreational licensing and she told me “that more sick people will get their medicine without the stigma.”
This is the next step in a journey for her that started when her mother got cancer and she looked for an alternative treatment. She’s been in the cannabis industry for 7 years.
I asked her how it would change what happens now. She told me that both recreational and medical marijuana will be able to be purchased from the same place. You will still have to register when you get in, but the taxes on the recreational will be substantially higher.
We discussed how the changing laws will affect the small businesses that have started and innovated the industry. She explained that she will have an umbrella company that will help out the small manufacturers and growers. She’s looking to help the small businesses who can’t afford all of the licensing, testing, and fees that the new tax scheme requires.
Julie is also involved in bringing new cannabis products to the market. Her latest product is called Ruby Sugar, which is a THC or CBD enhanced product that can be used in cooking or baking or simply poured into coffee or tea. They have 20 milligrams in each packet. An easy way to get your Cannabinoids! She’s also in development on other products.
She has also applied for a license for Palm Desert who is going to issue 6 dispensary licenses. She is looking forward to serving more people with their health needs at her second location. We will keep you updated on progress for the new licenses.
Montante has also received permission from Palm Springs to hold ‘The Cannabis Cup’ in 2018. She envisions a Coachella size event. Ginny Foat the former city council woman for Palm Springs is heading it up. She was the one that brought medical marijuana to Palm Springs and has gotten great support from the businesses in Palm Springs. She says that are very accommodating.
Stay tuned to see what this dynamic business lady is doing. She admits to being an aggressive competitor in the industry. She loves to stock the latest in products and has a full line of cooking products including ‘terpenes’ which are poised to bring some new highs to cooking with cannabis.
Congratulations to this enterprising entrepreneur! PSA Organica is located at 400 E Sunny Dunes Rd, Palm Springs, has a very friendly and knowledgeable staff (my favorite is Blake). Phone 760-778-1053.
Patte Purcell holds cannabis/jazz upscale events. The next one is “A 420 Jazz Soiree” on Monday Jan. 22, from 4:20 to 7:30 with 3 national jazz and blues acts and a jazz jam. Text your name and email to 1-702-219-6777 to get on the invite list.