Temperatures are dropping, it’s getting darker earlier, baseball is wrapping up and football is beginning… Fall is in the air!
Fall is now official as of Sunday, September 22nd, and as we head into cooler weather and the upcoming holiday season now is a good time to be reminded and start preparing ourselves for winter and holiday safety says Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna. “We’ll spend the next several months sharing specific safety information, however, this may be a good time to start thinking ahead as we move into Fall.” Most people will spend more time inside their homes cooking, holiday celebrations, using fireplaces, furnaces, and heaters as winter nears sys Chief DiGiovanna. It’s time to service your furnace, use fireplaces safely and use caution with space heaters. Exercise candle caution, change smoke alarm batteries during time change, practice Halloween safety, clean yard drains, use caution on ladders when cleaning roofs and gutters from leaves, needles and twigs before the rain season as well as preparing for those Santa Ana winds we get this time of year. Shoes or boots may be wet causing you to slip as you climb the ladder. Keep your driveway and walkway clear of falling leaves. They get very slippery when they are wet. Check and replace any home fire extinguishers that have expired. Always wear work gloves when doing outside yard work. It’s important to start planning now by staying ahead and not falling behind.
Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna
For more safety tips visit: http://www.cdc.gov/family/autumn/