By Denise Ortuno Neil
The Coachella Valley has fast become a music mecca of sorts. With grand festivals and talent galore, locals and visitors alike are enjoying the entertainment that the desert has to offer. Now producer David Ross is bringing desert music to the visual forefront with his Net TV show, Coachella Valley Music Show.
With so many choices of entertainment venues and talent to choose from here in the desert, it’s sometimes difficult to make a decision on where to go if you’re not familiar with the entertainment. That’s where the Coachella Valley Music Show comes in. The show will be aired on the website of the same name and feature musical talent around the valley at different venues, complete with in-depth interviews with the artists.
The show is produced by David Ross. Ross has been in the entertainment industry since 1985 working as a manager, producer and recording engineer in L.A. through the 80’s and 90’s. He managed talent including Brad Mercer and the late Jr.Walker.
Ross came to the Coachella Valley in 2000 after taking a break from the music business. He re-launched himself back in the business a couple years ago and now manages country music sensation Chase Allan, winner of the 2012 Nashville Independent Solo Artist of the Year Award. Ross is enthusiastic about cultivating new talent and offers his services to those in search of professional music management. His production company also offers video and recording services.
Ross came up with the idea for the show several months back, by simply recognizing an unfulfilled need and having the desire and know how to fill it. A formula taught to him by his mother he explains, “When I was a kid I used to ask my mother how to become a success, and she would say to me that it was very simple, what I would need to do is find a need and then fill it.” It is a tactic that has served Ross well every time he has implemented it.
Ross points out that the desert area is lacking in a show that guides locals and visitors with visual and audible stimulus to venues and musical talent, “If you go to Vegas you will find a TV show on cable in every hotel room that will let you see and hear videos of performers playing in town along with interviews with them, and they will say when and where they are playing so you can go,” said Ross.
He also mentions how newspaper listings, however helpful, do not tell much, and unless the reader knows who the performer is, they are less inclined to go see them. His show will give viewers a chance to see and hear who’s playing in town and make more of an informed decision.
The show will be hosted and interviews conducted by one of the desert’s longtime favorite radio personalities, Valerie Kattz. Kattz has had over 20 years of experience in radio and several in television including, “The Top 5 Video Countdown”. Ross is very pleased to have Kattz on the show, “She’s doing a fabulous job as the host,” exclaims Ross.
The show will debut on the internet on January 31st, 2014. Viewers can catch the show at their leisure and it will change up every month. The first show has an impressive line-up including; Kal David, Will Donato and Calista Carradine, daughter of David Carradine. Also on the first show will be Chase Huna, an amazing 14 year old saxophone player from here in the valley plus a surprise guest appearance from a famous band.
Upcoming shows will feature artist such as Pictures from Eden and L.A. opera singer Jamie Chamberlin.
Ross has had tremendous positive response about the show and is thrilled with his sponsors that have come on board, including Margaritas Restaurant in Palm Springs where the interviews are filmed, Renee Vargas of Vargas Arts who is doing the 3 camera interview shoots, and our own CV Weekly to name a few.
With the deserts music scene growing at lightning speed, there’s no doubt that Ross’s show is coming at a great time, to help promote the performers and valley venues, “It will bring money to the valley and help the valley,” said Ross….and that is music to everyone’s ears.
To view CV Music Show visit www.coachellavalleymusicshow.com
For more information about Ross Management Productions visit www.rossmanagmentproductions.com