Do you remember pretending you could fly? The happy, unashamed abandon of it? The joy and celebration? Did you know that trillions of airline miles go unused each year? Instead of letting these expire or using them for magazine subscriptions, those miles can easily be donated to change the lives of sick kids battling life-threatening illnesses in your local community. Today, Make-A-Wish Orange County and Inland Empire begins a month-long campaign – Give Wishes Wings – focusing on the unique and critical need Make-A-Wish has for airline miles. This campaign encourages travelers who have unused airline miles to consider donating them to help grant the wishes that require travel.
The process to donate miles is as simple as visiting www.ocie.wish.org/ecbe choosing from a number of airlines – including Alaska, American, Delta, Jet Blue and United – and entering a few pieces of information. The number of miles you can donate range from a few hundred miles to millions. Donated miles never expire and are never used for anything other than wish travel for wish kids and their families. If you prefer, a form is included that you can fill out and return to us.
Most people have seen or heard of a wish come true – whether it’s a 5-year-old boy rescuing a city as his favorite superhero, a young girl wishing to dance with a prince, or a teenager relishing beachside moments in the Caribbean, miles away from the thought of treatment and the pain of hospital visits. However, few people recognize the resources Make-A-Wish Orange County and Inland Empire requires to make wishes possible. Travel is the most costly expense to our chapter. Donating airline miles is a little known way for supporters like you to help us grant more life-changing wishes without ever having to tap into their bank accounts.
Thank you for helping us give every eligible wish child and their family a transformative experience. With your investment in our mission, a wish child will look to their future with excitement instead of fear. Your support really does make all the difference.
Kindest regards,
Debbie Finster
Vice President of Major Gifts