By Sunny Simon
As I watched Laurel waltz in my office, I sensed I was about to receive an exciting news flash. She smiled brightly and proclaimed those four words I love hearing, “I got the job.” We fist bumped, did our happy dances around the floor and fell back into our chairs smiling. My client took a moment to compose herself and then brought up a pertinent question. Laurel wisely inquired what she should do next.
All too often job candidates think once the offer is in hand their work is over. No so folks. Get ready for a new laundry list of action items beginning with thanking those who were helpful during your job search. Inform your friends and supporters of your new position. Tell them how much you appreciated their assistance. Don’t forget the remainder of the network you’ve worked so hard to establish. Let them know about your new job and continue to stay in touch. In the future if you spot news on any of your contacts, write and acknowledge it. Continue to endorse others on LinkedIn and congratulate them when they share good news.
Before you begin your first day with your new employer, set some time aside to do some soul searching. What changes do you want to make as you begin a new chapter of your career? Ask yourself what improvements could make you a more valued employee and colleague. Are you utilizing your present capabilities effectively? What about self development? Should you be learning new skills through seminars and self-study?
Although you’ve been told about the awesome family culture and supportive management at your new company, beware of existing politics. The best piece of advice a mentor once gave me is, “Be politically astute, but never political.” Stated differently, there will be political land mines, know where they are buried and steer clear of them.
Once you comprehend the lay of the land, get involved, join committees and make friends. Go about adding the value you promised during all those behavioral interviews. Remember how you touted your horn? Well now is the time to be a team player by joining the brass section and working in concert with your fellow employees.
A final action item: Stay motivated, engaged and flexible. When change comes your way, (and it will) embrace it gracefully with a positive attitude.
So you got the job. Congratulations! Enjoy the new experience and never stop growing your career. Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching and the author of the blog www.lifeonthesunnyside.net