By Elizabeth Scarcella and Aimee Mosco

As you are settling into the New Year, whether you realize this or not, you are also strengthening your footing into the New Paradigm…one that fosters unity and working together.

To make things easier for you, Facebook is leading the charge towards Unity by encouraging its’ members to interact with others of like mind for the purpose of developing meaningful relationships.

All that to say; love it or hate it, Facebook is here to stay. And it’s actually for your own good.


I am sure a handful of you will disagree with me.

If you happen to be one who lands closer to the “Hate it” end of the spectrum, I encourage you to consider this before shutting off your Notifications and limiting your Screen Time to only minutes a week.

Facebook claims to have studied academic research and partnered with leading experts at universities. Their research has shown that “passive” engagement is not good for your well-being. Passive engagement is when you scroll through your Feed and rarely interact. Passive engagement fosters a feeling of separation and being left out, certainly not the cornerstone of unity and inclusion…where everyone is working together and supporting each other for the greater good.

Instead, experts recommend using the platform to connect with people and provide valuable content, which is the key to long term measures of happiness and health. And when you are happy, you are drawn to help others by connecting and sharing stories of success and triumph.

In a quote from June 22, 2017, Mark Zuckerberg says, “Communities give us that sense that we are part of something greater than ourselves, that we are not alone, and that we have something better ahead to work for. “

You might be asking yourself how to truly build and grow meaningful relationships with others on Facebook?

The simple answer is to find and join Groups in subject areas that matter most to you. If you like dogs (I mean, who doesn’t?), search for Groups by typing in the keyword (dogs) into the Search bar on the top of Facebook. You will find hundreds of Groups dedicated to dogs and their owners.

However, if you are searching for ways to transform your relationship to yourself and with others, I would be remiss not to share our Group with you, Evolve Through Love.

The mission of our Group is to create a cohesive community focused on shining the light of innate goodness and influencing others to evolve through love. If this sounds like something you would like to participate in…by all means join us here….

The time has come for you to answer the internal calling to connect and share with others, Facebook Groups is an excellent way to feel part of a community. Hope to see you on the Inside!

Elizabeth Scarcella, Brand and Goodwill Ambassador, EFT Practitioner, Weight Loss and Inner Beauty Coach, is dedicated to helping others discover Wellness in all aspects of life. Elizabeth can help you awaken to your best self yet. For more information, find her at

Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s passion for helping others inspired her book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. For more information, find Aimee at