by Sunny Simon
My new client Kate, was overly concerned about the results of an job interview she had several days prior. When I asked why she wanted an offer from that particular company, Kate surprised me by saying she had some doubts about succeeding in the position thinking it might not be the challenge she wanted. I raised my eyebrows. Had I heard correctly? There was definitely a red flag on the field.
As our conversation progressed, I realized this millennial needed tutoring on the interview process. Launching into a lesson I started with rule number one: Interviewing is a two way street. An applicant’s job during an interview is to assess the position, the hiring manager and the company culture making sure it’s a good fit. Never be shy about asking questions on managerial style, what a typical day is like in the department and inquire why he or she likes working there.
I explained to Kate it might be helpful to think about the interviewing process as a first date then I watched for a light bulb moment in her expression. Yep, there it was. She got it. The initial encounter with a prospective new mate means finding out more about the individual and testing compatibility. Asking and answering questions to see if there is a match is the same process she should use in a job interview.
Next I encouraged Kate to do her homework before and after the interview. Prior, study the job description. Is this the type of work you’d feel comfortable doing? Is it challenging enough? When you arrive at the company, check out the physical environment. Would you like working in a large bullpen, or do you perform best in a quiet cubicle setting? During the interview, do your best to impress, but be realistic. Answer the questions honestly so the manager can test compatibility. When it’s your turn, pull out your list of questions and don’t be afraid to take notes.
After you exit the interview, go to a quiet area and do some serious soul searching. An offer may be extended. Make sure if you say yes, it’s for all the right reasons. At this point, Kate smiled and said, “Wow, kinda like getting married.” I nodded, “Yep, or at least a long term romance.”
By the time she left my office, Kate acknowledged she needed additional information about the job. If she makes the short list, she’ll have an opportunity to ask pertinent questions. I know she’ll make the right decision. Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at www.raisethebarhigh.com