By Bronwyn Ison
Journalizing daily explores the thoughts and feelings encompassing the events of one’s life. Expressing your thoughts on paper is expedient in your personal growth as well as it relieves stress. Did you know expressing your thoughts on paper improves your mental and physical health? Studies indicate that if you journal you improve self-esteem.
When we journal we are writing in our adult diary. Did you keep a diary as a child? I kept a diary as a little girl. I recall writing and locking all my thoughts away with the little key that was provided. If you had a diary as a child, did you keep it? If so, have you catalogued your thoughts? Now we are big kids with more mature ideas and thoughts. Have you considered writing your thoughts down today?
The benefits to writing are bountiful. You don’t have to articulate to express your thoughts on paper. Remember you will likely be the only audience unless you decide to share. To journal is a simple recording of your life. In fact, when we write about our feelings or reflect on stressful events in our lives, it is therapeutic to release these emotions on paper. You are able to clarify your thoughts, feelings and gain immeasurable self-awareness. Studies have shown you can boost your immune system by keeping a journal. When we release negative thoughts, feelings and emotions on paper we’ve essentially had a therapy session with ourselves.
Commencing to start may be challenging. Don’t over commit. Keep it simple. Purchase a journal that which reflects your personality. You may also want to treat yourself to new ballpoint pen. Remember it doesn’t matter where you start… just write. You will recognize once you start writing it will change your life. Dedicate time each day to express what is on your mind. Also, what you write is never wrong. You own your thoughts and ideas. Don’t hold back or keep them suppressed. It is your perfect opportunity to work through feelings of anger, resentment and painful experiences. Over time you will recognize greater balance in your life. Just think… you can affect a profound variance everyday in your life.
Most of us are on overload and we rarely take time to reflect on ourselves. The constant flow of life impairs us. Writing your story is for you or to leave behind for your family to enjoy. Once you have maintained an ongoing journal and you look back on what you have written you may realize the richness of your life.
If you need a little inspiration join Writer/Teacher Doryan Dean at Evolve Yoga. She uses her book “A Writer’s Workbook” to bring you closer to your writing goal. In the workshop we explore exactly what your purpose is in your writing, and then begin with “story starters” from the workbook, and share our process with the group. Please join us for this soulful and creative workshop, get to know yourself a bit better, express yourself creatively, open to life and share your personal story!
Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga. For more information about the Writer’s Workshop, visit ~ www.e-volveyoga.com or 760.564.YOGA