So you think you’re pretty cool? Step outside and see how quickly you can lose your cool!  “Summers officially here and so is the heat!”  No matter where you live or what you do, eventually we all encounter Mother nature’s wrath of the heat says Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna. You can get cool and beat the heat by practicing a few “Summer Safety Tips!”
Keep these suggestions in mind:
· Slow down. Reduce, eliminate or reschedule strenuous activities until the coolest time of the day. Children, seniors and anyone with health problems should stay in the coolest available place, not necessarily indoors.
· Dress for summer. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing to reflect heat and sunlight.
· Drink plenty of water, non-alcoholic and decaffeinated fluids. Your body needs water to keep cool. Drink plenty of fluids even if you don’t feel thirsty. Do not drink alcoholic beverages and limit caffeinated beverages.
· During excessive heat periods, spend more time in air-conditioned places. Air conditioning in homes and other buildings markedly reduces danger from the heat. If you cannot afford an air conditioner, go to a library, store or other location with air conditioning for part of the day.
· Don’t get too much sun. Sunburn reduces your body’s ability to dissipate heat.
· Never Leave infants, children or pets in cars!
· Plan for power outages either natural or man-made.
· When sleeping, use lightweight, breathable covers.
· Keep blinds and curtains closed from morning until the late afternoon to block extra direct heat from sunlight.
· Use small appliances like slow cookers and tabletop grills rather than your traditional oven or stove to keep kitchen heat to a minimum.
· Verify that seat belts and car seat restraints are not too hot before buckling yourself or anyone else into a car.
· Be vigilant about water safety if headed to a pool or beach. Never leave a child unattended near water and keep lifesaving gear handy.
Let’s face it, we all like to be ‘Cool’ says Chief DiGiovanna.  “So stay tuned, I’m sure we’ll see more “Cool” articles coming soon in the future.”  Meantime, don’t lose your Cool, the summer has just begun!
For additional Heat Safety go to:
Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna
