“Identity Thief” tells the story of a female con artist (Melissa McCarthy), who steals a man’s identity (Jason Bateman). After the police tell the man they’re not able to help solve the case, he takes it upon himself to embark on a cross-country road trip to find the imposter who is maxing out his credit cards, living it up under his identity and wreaking havoc in his life.

The movie screening includes: a free popcorn and a brief live educational forum on the Identity Theft epidemic and how to protect yourself.

Saturday, September 16, 2023 from 1:00pm – 3:15pm

Event Location: The Mary Pickford Theatre 36850 Pickfair St. Cathedral City, CA


Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at: www.palmspringstheatre.com 

The Producers of this event are:

‘The Coachella Valley Ladies of Justice’ (in association with ‘Legal Shield’) are locals here in the desert on a mission to empower, educate & help protect individuals, families, business owners and their employees with Cyber Security and Identity Theft Protection. They also offer affordable access to a variety of Legal Services, including unlimited consultations, estate planning, letters written regarding legal matters, divorce, Wills, etc.

Palmspringstheatre.com is ‘your go-to-guide’ for theatre in the desert. A community service website for the Coachella Valley theatres. And a project of ‘The Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Project’.

The Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Project (LAWTP) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit performing arts & educational organization founded in 2007. LAWTP is dedicated and designed to increase opportunities for women in the performing arts. (LAWTP is locally based here in the desert.)

Media Contact: Michele Weiss – (818) 720-2056
