Ready, Aim, “FIBER”

Americans fall short of achieving a high fiber diet. Why is this happening? Most of us are on the go, grabbing quick meals, thinking you will make up for it later, or just not thinking of fiber at all. The importance of adding and achieving a diet high in fiber will benefit your long-term health. 15 grams of fiber is what the average American consumes daily. While 20 to 30 plus grams of fiber is recommended for both men and woman daily. You may be pondering how to achieve this goal. I’ll be sure to share with you what you can do help achieve and sustain your fiber goals. But first a few alarming statistics. Adult obesity is common, serious and costly. According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention more than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are obese. Lack of education or knowledge related to a proper diet, hereditary factors, other contributing health matters and minimal time all relate to a near fiber less diet.

Let’s visit some of the signs and symptoms of a diet lacking in fiber. A diet high in fiber is going to keep or improve bowel function. A healthy colon, functioning bowels and a thriving gastrointestinal tract will help prevent disease. Most diseases associated with the lack of fiber are in the gastrointestinal tract and colon. Heart disease, obesity, and diabetes are all signs of a lack of fiber. According to, constipation, abdominal pain, hunger and weight gain, high blood sugar, high blood pressure and/or cholesterol levels are all signs and symptoms of a lack of fiber and exercise.

Gaining control of your diet can be challenging. Learning how to eat properly takes effort for the on-the-go mom, businessman or woman, and for teenagers. Here are a few tips to follow. Increase your fruit and vegetable intake. Keep a bag of assorted nuts in your car. Many snack bars provide a good amount of fiber. Juicing your fruits and veggies is helpful too. Provided below is a helpful list by


Fruits: Raspberries (1cup, 8.0 grams) Pear, with skin (1 medium, 5.5 grams) Apple with skin (1 medium, 4.4 grams) Strawberries (1 ¼ cup, 3.8 grams), Banana (1, 3.1 grams).

Grains, cereals & pasta: Whole grain spaghetti (1cup, 6.2 grams) Bran lakes (3/4 cup, 5.3 grams) Popcorn, air popped (3 cups, 3.5 grams) Barley, pearled, cooked (1 cup, 6.0 grams).

Legumes, nuts & seeds: Rank the highest in grams of fiber.
Split peas, cooked (1 cup, 16.3 grams) Lentils, cooked (1 cup, 15.6 grams) Black beans, cooked (1 cup, 15.0 grams) Baked beans, vegetarian, canned, cooked (1 cup, 10.4 grams) Almonds (1 ounce (23 nuts), 3.5 grams) Sunflower seeds (1 ounce (49 nuts), 3.9 grams)

Last but not least… Vegetables: Artichoke cooked (1 medium, 10.3 grams) Peas, cooked (1 cup, 8.8 grams) Broccoli, boiled (1 cup, 5.1 grams) Brussel sprouts, cooked (1 cup, 4.1 grams)

Serving your body the right amount of fiber and nutrients will make you feel better as a whole. You’ll have more energy to do the activities you love. The small amount of fiber your body needs can give you big rewards long term.

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