It’s true… rest is not strictly for the weary. Rest should and needs to be a priority for everyone. I’m the first to admit I go, go and go some more. However, I feel best operating my life in this fashion. However, I work hard first, then I make sure I get a good dose of play and balance in my life.
In the recent years, it’s been brought to my attention, by a social someone in my life, that one cannot maintain a life-style of constant work and no rest. One must relax and get plenty of sleep. A seven day a week calendar was developed to have at least one day of rest, Sunday’s. This may not suit everyone’s schedule. In fact, you may work on Sunday. In any event, one day a week should be taken for yourself to enjoy, relax and rejuvenate. Perhaps, two days a week would be even better.
Studies show, people are far more productive in the workplace and have happier homes when proper rest can is implemented. Here are few select activities people wished they are more time to enjoy while resting.
*Being in a natural environment
*Being alone
*Enjoying music
*Doing nothing at all
Notice how most of the above do not require another human being to be present. I love and thrive off other people… yet, I do love being alone. As a busy single mother, owning and operating two businesses I realized, some very long time ago, I was really only alone when I drove in my car (after taking my daughters someplace.)
Think about how often you’re alone. What kind of activities would you like to do on your own? Are you able to break away from your other responsibilities to find true balance for yourself? It may be a great time for you to evaluate true rest time for you.
Make a a date with self and begin feeling less stressed. You owe to yourself to relax, renew and rejuvenate.
Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga and www.bronwynison.com ONLINE YOGA CLASSES, ON DEMAND, ANYTIME FROM ANYWHERE. 760-564-YOGA (9642)