By Sunny Simon
The other day as I drove around town running errands, my car signaled to me with a soft dinging sound. At first I did not know what message my car was trying to convey. Before long it dawned on me I was low on gas. My husband has the sweet habit of keeping my tank full so, it was the first time I heard the warning alert.
Smart cars and phones conveniently tell us when things need refueling or recharging. Using this analogy, listen to your inner voice and you will discover your internal dashboard also provides warning signs. It sends off a signal when we are, as singer-songwriter Jackson Browne put it, “running on empty.”
Stopping to refresh and renew is vital to our physical and emotional wellbeing. Recently a client told me she was so fed up and discouraged with her job search she knew she must take action. Rather than turn up the fire on job related activities, she pulled the plug.
Ceci packed up her car with a suitcase, some favorite CD’s, her faithful dog Cinnamon and hit the road. She decided being out-of-work provided an opportunity to visit family living out-of-state. Aunts and uncles delighted to see her provided all the love and nurturing she needed to recharge. By the time she returned home Ceci felt an energy that had been lacking prior to her trip. She jumped back into her job search and before long was scheduling interviews with companies on her target list.
Pope Francis has been quoted as saying, “people who work must take time to relax, to be with their families, to enjoy themselves.” No matter how busy you think you are, you must step aside when your body signals burnout. Okay, I get it…a leisurely road trip is out of the question. You have other options. How about a trip to the spa, an early morning hike or just a slow stroll around the park?
When frustration accelerates into unhealthy stress your warning bell will sound loud and clear. Do not ignore it. Do the prudent thing and call a time out. You may find it best to spend quiet time alone, or perhaps the perfect prescription for your situation is to surround yourself with your A-team, the people who care about you.
Whatever your “go to” remedy is, make the time to refresh and refuel. Once you have enjoyed some downtime, a change of scenery, or the warmth of your loved ones, you will return to the task ready to give it your best shot.
Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at www.raisethebarhigh.com