In the wake of the recent shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas, it’s sad to have to write another reminder of the need to be vigilant when attending any event or activity. This includes your day to day activities.
In the June 2016 issue of the CV Weekly I wrote an article on “Run, Hide or Fight” during an active shooting incident and a little over a year I am writing it again. In the article I quoted “I never thought I’d be writing an article of this nature. Run, Hide or Fight? Surviving An Active Shooter in the United States of America.” What’s happened to us? Something certainly has happened to this country and we need to get back on track.
We have experienced this in the past with friends of the Coachella Valley being in the middle of a terrorist attack overseas, and many of us have a one – two – three degree connection to victims in the Las Vegas incident. These used to be incidents that happened in other countries. Unfortunately it’s now in our back yards.
I wish I had an answer to this, but for now all I can do is provide preventive measures. Thoughts and prayers to the victims and families…
Visit: http://www.alerts.si.edu/docs/DHS_ActiveShooterBook.pdf
Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna