By Sunny Simon
Opening the third email this week from a client, I held my breath wondering if this time it brought good news. No such luck. This message was just as negative as the last. Taking a deep breath I emailed back with more advice and encouragement. My job, which was completed several weeks ago, was to create a market-ready resume that showcased Tina’s skills and experience. Somehow I knew my client didn’t understand after the resume, the rest was up to her.
Hoping some of my advice was taking hold I checked her LinkedIn profile. She still had not removed the casual shot in which she was wearing a plaid flannel shirt. LinkedIn has become the go-to place for recruiters, hiring companies and networking. It is beneficial in building your brand, and you can only do that by portraying yourself as serious about your career. When posting a picture, make certain it is a head shot of you smiling into the camera while looking your personal best and not a depiction of your “Saturday morning cleaning out the garage” persona.
Not giving up, I messaged her again offering to review the cover letters she had written using key words and customized to the job she applied for. Previously I had spent time showing her how to craft a letter that would attract the attention of software scanners and recruiters. Tina replied she would have to look for them, which no doubt meant she had not taken the time and effort to produce a letter to go along with each resume.
Later that same day I received an email from Leah, another client of mine. This communication was a vast contrast to Tina’s emails. Brimming with excitement Leah announced she received three job offers, had narrowed it down to one and starts her new job in two weeks after a short celebratory cruise vacation.
As is my custom, I did my happy dance. Smiling, I knew it would not take Leah long to find a great position. She was a serious professional who project-managed her job search like a pro, going the extra mile in networking, social media presence, interviewing and writing cover and thank you letters.
Bottom line in my tale of two clients, attitude counts. Hard work and extra effort is what proceeds getting an impressive offer letter delivering the compensation package you covet and deserve.
Whether you’re in a job search, vying for a promotion or working toward a fat year-end bonus. You must do the work. And if you haven’t, start now. Effort pays off, monetarily and otherwise! Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at www.raisethebarhigh.com