By Bronwyn Ison
A friend told me, the agony of pain is the start of something good. Having been down this path before, I can attest and I believe this wholeheartedly. Instead of sharing with you how you can overcome adversity and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, I thought that I would share how be a bit light-hearted in our times of uncertainty.
Here is a fun list of ideas that you can choose to put to the test for a little extra fun and humor. We all need to laugh, still have fun and take a moment to not be so serious. Almost everything I share requires minimal supplies or it can be found on Google on how to…
- How to make your own face mask. (DYI)
- Complete a puzzle
- Start a journal or blog
- Write a poem (Mother’s Day is coming soon.)
- Workout ~ yoga, HII, strength training, swim
- Make a scrapbook (this would require you to find photos that you’ve actually printed)
- Binge on Tiger King
- Bake some healthy treats
- Listen to music that makes you happy. Dance!
- Take a bubble bath (sip your favorite wine)
- Learn how to fix something that has been broken at your house for awhile
- Learn more about technology (especially if you’re challenged ~ like me.)
- Interview your parents about their life. Make your own documentary for them
- Design a vision board for yourself
- Work on a financial plan for yourself
- Design your own cards and mail them to friends
- Do your first TikTok video (I have yet to do this)
- Clean your closet and put on fashion show for your family
- Clean your garage (I know it’s hot)
- Learn a new word each day
While some of the above are more serious than others… try and do your best to add a little entertainment to your life.
Bronwyn Ison, EvolveYogaOnline.com e-volveyoga.com BetterForItNow.com
Contact Bronwyn: bronwyn@e-volveyoga.com