Auditions for the fourth production of Theatre 29’s 2015 season, the comedic musical whodunit “The Mystery of Edwin Drood”, have been scheduled for Monday, April 13th at 6:30pm on the Theatre 29 Main Stage at 73637 Sullivan Road in Twentynine Palms. The Broadway hit show will take the stage for five weeks beginning May 29th through June 27th.
At the hit Broadway musical, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, the audience finishes the story because Charles Dickens didn’t! It’s the only show that ends differently every night, depending on what the audience decides.
Take a trip back in time to a Victorian music hall where a rowdy ensemble of actors mounts a staging of Charles Dickens’ unfinished novel. Everyone on stage is a suspect in the murder of young Edwin Drood. Is it John Jasper, Edwin’s protective but slightly maniacal uncle? Rosa Bud, his reluctant betrothed? The debauched Princess Puffer? Neville and Helena Landless, the tempestuous siblings newly arrived from the Orient?
The rollicking winner of the Tony® “Triple Crown” (Best Musical, Best Book, and Best Score), Come to the show and you will help solve The Mystery of Edwin Drood!
Veteran director Charles Harvey will be seeking a cast of around 22 (12 – 14 male and 7 – 10 female) performers for this production. Each role plays a minimum to two characters (as listed below). The roles being cast are:
Chairman William Cartwright/ Mayor Sapsea
(Age Range 50 -65) Is the leader of our show’s acting troupe and our emcee/guide through the story. He is quick witted with a dry sense of humor. A jovial character comfortable with addressing the audience directly. (Vocal range is Baritone)
John Jasper/ Clive Paget
(Age Range 30 – 35) A handsome leading man type with a dark side. He is burdened with complex hidden desires and emotions. Secretly in love with his vocal student. We must believe he is capable of violence. (Vocal range – Baritone)
Edwin Drood/ Alice Nutting
(Age Range 25 – 35) A female actor who portrays male roles in the troupe. Educated, forthright and confident with a stubborn streak as Drood. A bit of a diva as Alice, prone to hissy fits.( Vocal range – Mezzo/Soprano)
Rosa Bud/ Deidre Peregrine
(Age Range 20 – 24) Innocent ingénue. Vocal student of John Jasper but afraid of him. She has an outward vulnerability with an inner strength. (Vocal range – Soprano with a lower range)
Rev. Crisparkle/ Mr. Smythe
(Age Range 35 – 45) A sincere, good natured and educated gentleman. A Vicar with a secret (Vocal range – Lyric Baritone)
Helena Landless/ Janet Conover
(Age Range 25 – 30) Portrays an East Indian woman in the troupe. Strong, smart character who is protective of the people she cares about and aware of her surroundings and situations. A woman on the ball. (Vocal range – Alto/Mezzo)
Neville Landless/ Victor Grinstead
(Age Range 27 – 35) Handsome leading man type with a bit of a stubborn chauvinistic bent. He is prone to challenging others when he feels threatened or belittled. He portrays an East Indian character in the troupe. (Vocal range – Lyric Baritone)
Durdles/ Mr. Nick Cricker
(Age Range 50 – 60) Good comedic timing. Grave digger, tomb builder and father to Master Nick. A bit of a drinker (Vocal Range – Bass/ Baritone)
Deputy/ Master Nick Cricker
(Age Range 20 – 25) A young man with a sense of innocence. New to the acting troupe but wants to move up the ranks. (Vocal range – Tenor)
Princess Puffer/ Angela Prysock
(Age Range 45 – 60) Proprietress of a brothel and Opium den. Road and life weary but still has a sense of humor about it all. She has seen everything and been subjected to much. (Vocal range – Alto)
Bazzard / Servant/ Philip Bax
(Age Range 40 – 45) Wants to be an actor very badly, ever the understudy. Sings “Never The Luck” (Vocal range – Lyric Baritone)
Alice/ Isabel Yearsley
(Age Range 20 – 24) Schoolmate and friend of Rosa/ Ensemble
Beatrice/ Florence Gill
(Age Range 20 – 24) Schoolmate and friend of Rosa/ Ensemble
Stage Manager/ James Throttle/Harold
(Age Range 40 – 45) Dry sense of humor, efficient company man (Vocal range – Bass)
Horace/ Ensemble / Brian Pankhurst
(Age Range 35 – 45) As Horace he leads a vigilante group
Shade of Jasper/ Ensemble / Harry Sayle
(Age Range 25 – 30) Dance experience very helpful
Shade of Drood / Ensemble / Mantague Pruitt
(Age Range 25 – 30) Dance experience very helpful
Julian/ Ensemble / Alan Eliot
(Age Range 20 – 30)
Ensemble / Christopher Lyon
(Age Range 20 – 25)
Ensemble / Gwendolyn Pynn
(Age Range 20 – 25 )
Ensemble / Sarah Cook
(Age Range 20 – 25)
Ensemble / Violet Balfour
(Age Range 25 – 30)
Show dates are May 29, 30, June 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 26 & 27
Auditions will consist of vocalization for 16 bars in the style of the show, movement, improvisation skills and cold readings. Dress prepared to move. Various English accents are sought as these characters range from Queen’s English to Cockney. The roles of Neville and Helena Landless require an “East Indian” affectation.
The production is also seeking technical assistance as stagehands, set builders and costume construction. Any wishing to participate in these capacities, please also attend auditions (you will not be required to audition). For more information, check out the audition details on Theatre 29’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/Theatre29TwentyninePalms or on www.theatre29.org/auditions or contact the director, Charles Harvey, via email at webmaster@theatre29.org.